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1956 O.S.C.A. S-187

Chassis no. 751
Engine no. 751 AL
Coachbuilder Fratelli Morelli
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From 1955
to 1956
Record: Chassis Photo
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
March 1956
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. Louis Chiron leaves the Officine O.S.C.A. for the first driving test.
April 1956
From April 1956
to 7th May 1957
Owner: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Famous owner: Italian car manufacturer
April 1956
Chassis no. 751
April 1956
Engine no. 751 al
Manufacturer: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Note: type 187
April 1956
Coachbuilder: Fratelli Morelli
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
April 1956
Material: Leatherette
Seats: Blue
10th April 1956
Press review: Lurani Cernuschi Giovanni, "I Programmi Della O.s.c.a", L'Auto Italiana , 04-1956, pp. 45
From 28th April 1956
to 29th April 1956
Event: XXIII Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #215
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Louis Chiron (MC)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 2.15'00”- Brescia-Roma: ritirato
Note: Chiron retired because of mechanical problems. - The original entry form of the #215 reports only the 752 engine number and the form of #210 only the 751 engine number. It is believed that this was a mistake or that, maybe, the cars were exchanged. The two cars are identifiable by the different side vents and their evolution in the following sporting career.
29th April 1956
Event: III Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #215
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Louis Chiron (MC)
Results / Prizes: DNF
6th May 1956
Press review: Unknown, "Nuove Vetture Per Una Vecchia Corsa", Motor , no. 18, 05-1956, pp. 9
6th May 1956
Press review: Unknown, "Macchine E Piloti Si Preparano", Motor , no. 18, 05-1956, pp. 11
10th May 1956
Press review: Mariani Savino, "Al Seguito Della Dura Prova Lungo L'arco Della ''xxiii Mille Miglia''", L'Auto Italiana , no. 13, 05-1956, pp. 34
13th May 1956
Event: Premio Modena
Locality: Modena (IT)
Race number: #18
Category / Group: Sports Car
Driver: Giulio Cabianca (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Note: 1st grid
13th May 1956
Press review: Fas, "Trionfano Castellotti E La Ferrari", Motor , no. 19, 05-1956, pp. 8
20th May 1956
Press review: Marin Gianni, "A Siracusa E Taraschi Il ''premio Modena'' Organizzato All'aerautodromo Dall' A.c. Reggio Calabria", L'Auto Italiana , no. 14, 05-1956, pp. 61
20th May 1956
Press review: Morselli Mario, "Il Gran Premio Dell'aerautodromo", Motor , no. 21, 05-1956, pp. 1
10th June 1956
Event: XL Targa Florio
Circuit: Piccolo Circuito Madonie
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #58
Category / Group: Sports Car
Team: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Note: 20th grid. Accident 5th lap.
20th June 1956
Press review: Gargotta Vincenzo, "Imprevista Ma Convincente Vittoria Di Umberto Maglioli Con La Porsche 1500 Nella 40° Targa Florio", L'Auto Italiana , no. 17, 06-1956, pp. 35
8th July 1956
Event: X Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Race number: #34
Category / Group: Sports Car
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 15th OA / 1st CL
Time: 3.24'49''
Note: 8th Sport Internazionale Category
15th July 1956
Press review: Unknown, "Sole Sulla X Coppa Dolomiti E Vittoria-record Di Cabianca-osca 1500", Motor , no. 29, 07-1956, pp. 1
20th July 1956
Press review: Marin Gianni, "I Cento All'ora Di Media Superati Da Cabianca (osca 1500) Gran Vincitore Della ''dolomiti''", L'Auto Italiana , no. 20, 07-1956, pp. 41
20th July 1956
Press review: Unknown, "Ranking Gran Premio Roma - 6 Ore Di Castelfusano", L'Auto Italiana , no. 20, 07-1956, pp. 32
From 20th October 1956
to 21st October 1956
Event: Gran Premio Roma - 6 Ore di Castelfusano
Locality: Roma (IT)
Race number: #38
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giulio Cabianca (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
28th October 1956
Press review: Favia Sergio, "Nell'affermazione Di Behra A Roma Si Inserisce L'appassionante Duello Musso - Castellotti", Motor , no. 44, 10-1956, pp. 1
30th October 1956
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Con Ben Quattordici Vincitori Di Classe Si Conclude Il ''xiv Gran Premio Roma'' Disputatosi Sul Circuito Di Castelfusano", L'Auto Italiana , no. 30, 10-1956, pp. 47
31st March 1957
Event: Corsa sulle Torricelle
Locality: Verona (IT)
Race number: #442
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
14th April 1957
Event: XVII Giro Automobilistico di Sicilia
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #133
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
15th April 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Ressa Di Concorrenti Ma Scarsi Risultati Alla ''torricelle''", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 3, 04-1957, pp. 18
15th April 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Ranking Corsa Sulle Torricelle", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 3, 04-1957, pp. 21
1st May 1957
Event: Trofeo Vigorelli Coppa Costantini
Locality: Monza (IT)
Race number: #256
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
1st May 1957
Press review: Gargotta Vincenzo, "Alla Ferrari Di Gendebien Il 17° Giro Di Sicilia", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 4, 05-1957, pp. 9
1st May 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Entusiasmo E Passione All'autodromo Di Monza Per Le Coppe ''vigorelli'' E ''costantini''", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 4, 05-1957, pp. 34
6th May 1957
Plate: MI-343322
Country: IT
From 7th May 1957
to 1960
Owner: Gemma Bigatti (IT)
Note: Purchased by Gemma Bigatti, on behalf of the driver Giancarlo Rigamonti.
From 11th May 1957
to 12th May 1957
Event: XXIV Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #138
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 58th OA / 1st CL
Time: Start: 1.38'00"- Brescia-Roma: 6.5446"- Brescia-Roma-Brescia: 13.2941"
Note: 74.0 mph average speed
12th May 1957
Event: IV Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #138
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
15th May 1957
Press review: Lurani Cernuschi Giovanni, "Mille Miglia", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 5, 05-1957, pp. 3
19th May 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Una Vittoria Inseguita Da Anni", Motor , no. 20, 05-1957, pp. 7
30th May 1957
Event: 6 Heures de Forez
Locality: Mornand-en-Forez (FR)
Race number: #8
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 16th OA
1st June 1957
Press review: Marin Gianni, "La Xxiv Mille Miglia Nelle Sue Emozionanti Vicende", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 6, 06-1957, pp. 19
1st September 1957
Event: L'Aosta - Gran San Bernardo
Locality: Aosta (IT)
Race number: #72
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
20th September 1957
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Le Movimentate Vicende Del Campionato D'europa Della Montagna", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 11, 09-1957, pp. 25
29th September 1957
Event: XX Pontedecimo - Giovi
Locality: Genova (IT)
Race number: #346
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 6'45''4/10
Note: 85,693 km/h average speed
6th October 1957
Event: Trieste - Opicina
Locality: Trieste (IT)
Race number: #168
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 5'06''3
Note: 104,016 km/h average speed
6th October 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Vetture Da Corsa D'ogni Tempo", Motor , no. 40, 10-1957, pp. 5
20th October 1957
Press review: Marin Gianni, "La Pontedecimo - Giovi", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 12, 10-1957, pp. 46
20th October 1957
Press review: Marin Gianni, "La Trieste - Opicina", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 12, 10-1957, pp. 46
27th October 1957
Event: Sassi - Superga
Locality: Torino (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
3rd November 1957
Press review: Unknown, "Migliorato Da Munaron Il Record Della Sassi-superga", Motor , no. 14, 11-1957, pp. 12
From 30th November 1957
to 1st December 1957
Event: 6 ore Esso
Circuit: Autodromo di Vallelunga
Locality: Campagnano di Roma (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 20th OA / 8th CL
13th April 1958
Event: Coppa Shell
Locality: Imola (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
14th April 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Ai Piloti Tedeschi La Trento - Bondone", Giornale di Sicilia , 04-1958, pp. 1
20th April 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Duello Ferrari - Osca Sulla Pista Di Monza", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 4, 04-1958, pp. 23
From 26th April 1958
to 27th April 1958
Event: Gran Premio di Napoli
Locality: Napoli (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
1st May 1958
Event: Premio Mobil Vallelunga
Locality: Campagnano di Roma (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
4th May 1958
Event: Bologna - San Luca
Locality: Bologna (IT)
Race number: #356
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
11th May 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Affermazione Dei Giovani Nella 3° Bologna- San Luca", Motor , no. 19, 05-1958, pp. 1
11th May 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Affermazione Dei Giovani Nella Bologna-s.luca", Motor , no. 19, 05-1958, pp. 1
30th May 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Giovani Piloti Sulle Salite Di S.marino E Di S.luca", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 5, 05-1958, pp. 23
1st June 1958
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #140
Category / Group: Sports Car
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
15th June 1958
Event: IX Varese - Campo dei Fiori
Locality: Varese (IT)
Race number: #119
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 6th OA / 1st CL
15th June 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Consuma: Crollano I Records", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 6, 06-1958, pp. 20
15th June 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Da Monza A Vallelunga", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 6, 06-1958, pp. 26
22nd June 1958
Event: 6 ore Automobilistiche Esso
Circuit: Autodromo di Vallelunga
Locality: Campagnano di Roma (IT)
Race number: #118
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
30th June 1958
Press review: Unknown, "''bocia'' Alla Riscossa Nella Varese Campo Dei Fiori", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 7, 06-1958, pp. 1
6th July 1958
Event: Bolzano - Mendola
Locality: Bolzano (IT)
Race number: #234
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
9th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Si Profila Sulla Trento - Bondone Il Duello Tra '' Porsche'' E '' Borgward ''", Il Gazzettino , 07-1958, pp. 1
10th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Behra Cabianca Von Trips Hermann Poker Degli Specialisti Favoriti", Stadio , 07-1958, pp. 1
11th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Con Schieramenti Eccezionali La Trento - Bondone ''europea''", La Gazzetta dello sport , 07-1958, pp. 1
13th July 1958
Event: Trento - Bondone
Locality: Trento (IT)
Race number: #298
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 10'40'1
Note: 72.539 km/h average speed
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Von Tripps A Tempo Di Primato Si Impone Nella Trento - Bondone", Il Gazzettino , 07-1958, pp. 6
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Wolfgang Von Trips Si Aggiudica Una Trento - Bondone Ricca Di Primati", Ogni Sport , 07-1958, pp. 1
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Von Trips (porsche) Domina Nella Trento - Bondone 1958", Stadio , 07-1958, pp. 1
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Al Tedesco Von Trips Su Porsche La Trento - Bondone In Salita", Il Messaggero , 07-1958, pp. 1
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Von Trips Vince La Trento - Bondone", Piccolo Sera , 07-1958, pp. 1
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Von Trips Su Porsche Vince La Trento - Bondone", La Nazione , 07-1958, pp. 1
14th July 1958
Press review: Unknown, "Von Trips (porsche) Domina Nella Trento - Bondone 1958", Stadio , 07-1958, pp. 1
15th July 1958
Press review: Cotrone Francesco, "4 Juniores 59 Seniores Per 6 Ore A Vallelunga", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 8, 07-1958, pp. 30
15th July 1958
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Dal Brasile Viene Alla Mendola Per Vincere", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 8, 07-1958, pp. 16
30th July 1958
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Disertano Gli Italiani Trionfano I Tedeschi Al Bondone", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 9, 07-1958, pp. 17
From 2nd August 1958
to 3rd August 1958
Event: Giro Delle Calabrie
Locality: Catanzaro (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
Time: 1h59'33''2
28th September 1958
Event: Pontedecimo - Giovi
Locality: Genova (IT)
Race number: #204
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
Time: 6'33'7/10
Note: 88,239 km/h average speed
5th October 1958
Event: Trieste - Opicina
Locality: Trieste (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
Time: 6'24''1
15th October 1958
Press review: Cafferata Ermanno, "Primati A Picco Sulle Rampe Dei Giovi", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 14, 10-1958, pp. 20
4th November 1958
Event: V Coppa Sant Ambroeus
Locality: Monza (IT)
Race number: #201
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Note: 133.235 km/h average speed
1st January 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Per Una Nuova Scala Delle Classi", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 1, 01-1959, pp. 4
1st January 1959
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Folla Di Campioni: Ma Chi è Il Campione?", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 1, 01-1959, pp. 8
April 1959
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. the car with soft top made compulsory by annex J of the sport regulations.
April 1959
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. the car with soft top made compulsory by annex J of the sport regulations.
April 1959
Record: S. Lazzaro di Savena Bologna. the car with soft top made compulsory by annex J of the sport regulations.
25th April 1959
Event: Circuito di Cesenatico
Locality: Cesenatico (IT)
Race number: #8
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th OA
30th April 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Sulle Tele Bussinello Fa Il Bis Di Monza", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 9, 04-1959, pp. 20
3rd May 1959
Event: Coppa S. Ambroeus
Locality: Monza (IT)
Race number: #201
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
15th May 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Festival Dei Giovani La Coppa Sant' Ambroeus", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 10, 05-1959, pp. 18
From 16th May 1959
to 17th May 1959
Event: 6 ore Esso
Circuit: Autodromo di Vallelunga
Locality: Campagnano di Roma (IT)
Race number: #156
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd OA / 2nd CL
24th May 1959
Event: Targa Florio
Circuit: Piccolo Circuito Madonie
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #56
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Co-Driver: Anna Maria "Marocchina" Peduzzi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 20th OA / 3rd CL
Time: 13.43'47''
Note: 28th grid. It arrived 20th at 2h.41'25''2 to the first OA.
1st June 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Sei Ore Da Brivido A Vallelunga", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 11, 06-1959, pp. 18
July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "I Giovani Del Bondone", Unknown , 07-1959, pp. 1
8th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Settimana Per La Trento - Bondone Con Traguardo Nuovo Al Vason", l'Adige , 07-1959, pp. 2
9th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "150 Piloti In Gara Nella Trento - Bondone Per Il Campionato Europeo Della Montagna", l'Adige , 07-1959, pp. 2
10th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Piloti Di Classe Su Percorso Ideale", Corriere dello sport , 07-1959, pp. 1
11th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Si Presenta In Veste Europea La Classica Trento - Bondone", Unknown , 07-1959, pp. 1
12th July 1959
Event: Trento - Bondone
Locality: Trento (IT)
Race number: #300
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 15'29''1
Note: 67,025 km/h average speed
12th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Gala Dell'automobilismo Nella Trento - Bondone", l'Adige , 07-1959, pp. 1
13th July 1959
Press review: Bortolotti Ottorino, "Edgard Barth Su Porsche 1500 Ha Vinto La Trento-bondone", Stadio , 07-1959, pp. 1
13th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Le Classifiche Di Categoria Della Gara ''trento - Bondone''", Unknown header , 07-1959, pp. 5
13th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Incontrastata Vittoria Si Barth Sul ''bondone ''", Corriere dello sport , 07-1959, pp. 1
13th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Barth (porsche) Sul Bondone A Quasi 88 Di Media", Tuttosport , 07-1959, pp. 1
13th July 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Oggi Si Corre A...", Tuttosport , 07-1959, pp. 1
15th July 1959
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Solo La Porsche Punta Al Campionato Della Montagna", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 14, 07-1959, pp. 18
15th July 1959
Press review: Zambrini Marisa, "Si Moltiplicano In Italia Le Corse In Salita", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 14, 07-1959, pp. 22
16th July 1959
Press review: Zambrini Marisa, "Si Sono Impegnati A Fondo I 100 Scalatori Della Trento-bondone", Motoristica , no. 13, 07-1959, pp. 1
19th July 1959
Event: Trofeo Val d'Intelvi
Locality: Como (IT)
Race number: #164
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st OA / 1st CL
26th July 1959
Event: Trieste - Opicina
Locality: Trieste (IT)
Race number: #222
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
1st August 1959
Press review: Unknown, "Alla Trieste - Opicina Il Pubblico è Ignorato", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 15, 08-1959, pp. 18
30th August 1959
Event: Salita ai Colli Torinesi
Locality: Torino (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
20th September 1959
Event: Pontedecimo - Giovi
Locality: Genova (IT)
Race number: #234
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cc.
Driver: Giancarlo Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
Time: 6'33''7/10
Note: 88,239 km/h average speed
27th September 1959
Event: XII Catania - Etna
Locality: Catania, Italia (IT)
Race number: #396
Category / Group: Sport
Driver: Rigamonti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
1st October 1959
Press review: Marin Gianni, "Nessuno Vuole Perdere", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 19, 10-1959, pp. 16
15th October 1959
Press review: Gargotta Vincenzo, "Duecento Battuti Da Vaccarella Sull'etna", Auto Italiana Sport , no. 20, 10-1959, pp. 22
From 1960
to 1st January 1961
Owner: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Famous owner: Italian car manufacturer
Engine update no. 770
Manufacturer: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Note: Type 187 N
From 1st January 1961
to 1st January 1962
Owner: Bill Leyden (US)
From 1st January 1962
to 1st January 1964
Owner: Bill Syler (US)
From 1st January 1970
to 1st January 1989
Owner: Richard Percell (US)
Bibliography: Unknown author, no. 119, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, n.p. 1972
Bibliography: Lawrence Mike, The Mille Miglia: The World's Greatest Motor Competitions , Batsford B. T., n.p. 1988
From 1st January 1989
to May 1996
Owner: Donald Aarons (US)
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Osca La Rivincita Dei Maserati , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 1989
From 17th May 1990
to 20th May 1990
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #290
Driver: Watkins (US)
Co-Driver: Di Dio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 131st OA
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1990 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1990
June 1993
Press review: Unknown, "La Mia Mille Miglia", Ruoteclassiche , no. 63, 06-1993, pp. 14
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
Engine update no. 751 al
Manufacturer: O.S.C.A. (IT)
Note: type 187
21st June 1995
Identification document: ASI Certificate
From May 1996
to 2010
Owner: Franco Cavalieri
30th November 1997
Event: 50° Anniversario della fondazione OSCA dei Fratelli Maserati
Locality: San Lazzaro di Savena (IT)
Driver: Franco Cavalieri
Bibliography: Cancellieri Gianni, Polvere E Gloria: La Coppa D'oro Delle Dolomiti (1947-1956) , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2000
Bibliography: Liber Walter, 50° Trento-bondone Cinquant'anni Di Competizioni , Automobile Club Trento, n.p. 2000
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Mille Miglia Identikit , Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
August 2003
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Trieste Opicina - Sessant'anni Di Epopea , Legenda - Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Il Cielo Non Ha Preferenze , Patron Editore, n.p. 2004
Bibliography: Panarotto Francesco, Trento - Bondone L'università Della Salita , Silla Grafiche, n.p. 2006
Bibliography: Fondi Pino, Targa Florio Un'epopea Del Novecento , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2006
May 2006
Bibliography: Unknown author, L'automobile Italiana , Giunti, n.p. 2006
July 2006
Bibliography: Lucchese Dario, Targa Florio 1906 - 2006 Cronache Di Un Mito , Fondazione Targa Florio, n.p. 2006
Bibliography: Caffarena Nicolò, La Pontedecimo-giovi 1922-1967 , Fratelli Frilli Editori, n.p. 2007
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, L'ultima Coppa D'oro Delle Dolomiti - Le Sport A Cortina , Patron Editore, n.p. 2007
Bibliography: Altorio Enzo, Targa Florio Il Mito , Legenda Publisicula, n.p. 2007
Bibliography: Pritchard Anthony, Mille Miglia: The World's Greatest Road Race , Unknown publisher, n.p. 2007
June 2007
Bibliography: Cavalcanti Antonello, Le Cronoscalate : Ponte Corace - Tiriolo Giro Automobilistico Delle Calabrie , Edizioni Cronosprint, n.p. 2007
From 2010
to 2015
June 2013
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Mille Miglia 1957 Le Classi Minori , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2013
From 2015
to currently
Owner: Private collection
Bibliography: Acerbi L., Mille Miglia Immagini Di Una Corsa - A Race In Pictures , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2015
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 2015 , 1000 Miglia Srl, n.p. 2015
Plate: OAYA254
Country: BE
From 14th May 2015
to 17th May 2015
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #414
Driver: Franky Vanhee (BE)
Co-Driver: Erwin Van Osta (BE)
Results / Prizes: 314th OA
From 17th May 2016
to 22nd May 2016
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #391
Driver: Franky Vanhee (BE)
Co-Driver: Erwin Van Osta (BE)
Results / Prizes: 311th OA
Plate: ZA800G7
Country: BE
13th December 2017
Record: Car Photos
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
Plate: DZ7256
Country: NL
23rd February 2019
From 15th May 2019
to 18th May 2019
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #438
Category / Group: 3
Driver: Pieter Van Adrighem (NL)
Co-Driver: Cornelia H. Berkel (NL)
Results / Prizes: 284th OA
Note: Coeff 1.50 - Penality CO 12325 - Penality 24231 - Point -2951 - Gap 77703
From 10th October 2019
to 14th October 2019
Event: Targa Florio Classica
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #139
Driver: Pieter Van Adrighem (NL)
Co-Driver: Cornelia H. Berkel (NL)
From 15th June 2022
to 18th June 2022
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #175
Driver: Pieter Van Adrighem (NL)
Co-Driver: Carola Berkel (NL)
Results / Prizes: 220th OA
20th February 2023
Record: Chassis and Engine Numbers
From 1st March 2023
to 4th March 2023
Event: Coppa delle Alpi
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #24
Driver: Pieter Van Adrighem (NL)
Co-Driver: Carola Berkel (NL)
Results / Prizes: 54th OA
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023
From 13th June 2023
to 17th June 2023
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #407
Driver: Pieter Van Adrighem (NL)
Co-Driver: Carola Berkel (NL)
Results / Prizes: 288th OA
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Targa Florio's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces S.r.l., Genova 2024
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Coppa D'oro Delle Dolomiti's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2025
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Giro Di Sicilia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2026