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1937 Fiat Guadagnin 508 C

Chassis no. 508C*200886*
Engine no. 108C200959
Coachbuilder Antonio Ferrari
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Chassis no. 508c*200886*
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO S.P.A. 151 AR0 (IT)
Engine no. 108c200959
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO SPA (IT)
Note: Modifications: lightened and polished crankshaft and connecting rods, used special pistons, and adapted the intake manifold to accommodate two Weber carburetors.
12th July 1937
12th July 1937
Seats: Red
12th July 1937
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Giovanni Guadagnin
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Note: handmade one-off
Record: Giovanni Guadagnin with the car.
From 20th August 1937
to 26th August 1938
Owner: Mario Braida (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 22.000
Famous owner: Gentleman driver
Note: Braida purchased a Fiat 508 C chassis from the Fiat dealership F.I.A.R.T. of Treviso where the talented mechanic Giovanni Guadagnin worked. He entrusted Guadagnin with the construction of the car with the help of panel beater Mr. Ferrari.
From 20th August 1937
to 28th September 1938
Plate: TV-8733
Country: IT
11th March 1938
Press review: Unknown, "4° Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi - Regolamento", Reale Automobile club d'Italia , 03-1938, pp. 3
April 1938
Press review: Cabutti Gino, "L'ultima ''mille Miglia''", Motor Italia , 04-1938, pp. 33
April 1938
Press review: Unknown author, "La Iv Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi", Motor Italia , 04-1938, pp. 42
3rd April 1938
Event: XII Coppa delle Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #64
Category / Group: Sport Nazionale
Class: Cilindrata da 750 a 1.100 cmc
Driver: Mario Braida (IT)
Co-Driver: Franco Venturi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 20th OA / 2nd CL
Time: Start: 3.36'00"- Brescia-Roma: 7.13'46"- 4th together other at Bologna: 1,54'. 3rd at Firenze: 3.17'14". 6th at Roma: 7.13'46". Brescia-Roma-Brescia: 14.57'13". On 29 June 1939 Leopoldo Venturi sent to the R.A.C.I. from Brescia a postal card indicating that he participated in the last 1000 Miglia together with Mr. Mario Braida in a Fiat 1100, placing 2nd in the category and asking for the medal and participation diploma.
4th April 1938
Press review: Farinelli Aldo, "Biondetti (alfa) Vince La ''mille Miglia '' A 135 Di Media", La Stampa , 04-1938, pp. 4
15th April 1938
Record: ADV: Pirelli tyre advertising with the XII Mille Miglia ranking published in the Raci magazine n.7 15th April 1938.
April 1938
Record: ADV: Champion spark advertising with the XII Mille Miglia ranking published in the Motor Italia magazine n.4 on April 1938.
April 1938
Record: ADV: Weber carburettor advertising with the XII Mille Miglia ranking published in the Raci magazine n.7 on April 1938 on page 24.
17th April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "I Primi Iscritti Alla ''colli Torinesi'' Di Domenica Prossima", La Stampa , 04-1938, pp. 4
20th April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "4° Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi- Elenco Degli Iscritti", Reale Automobile club d'Italia , no. 5, 04-1938, pp. 2
23rd April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "Settantadue Macchine In Gara Nella '' Colli Torinesi''", La Stampa , 04-1938, pp. 4
24th April 1938
Event: IV Corsa dei Colli torinesi
Locality: Torino (IT)
Race number: #76
Category / Group: Sport Nazionale
Class: II - Fino a 1100 cmc
Driver: Mario Braida (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 7'42"2
Note: Starting time: 10.57'. Hourly average km. 70,847. Braida's best time differs only by 6" from the best time of the 1500m, and by 15" from that of the overall Sport Internazionale winner Tadini!. Alberto Comirato raced with a sister car with the number 60.
24th April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "Dusio E Tadini Favoriti Nella Galoppata Al Faro Della Vittoria", La Stampa , 04-1938, pp. 4
25th April 1938
Press review: Farinelli Aldo, "Tadini (alfa-corse) Vincitore Assoluto", La Stampa , 04-1938, pp. 4
28th April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "4° Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi", Reale Automobile club d'Italia , 04-1938, pp. 8
30th April 1938
Press review: Unknown, "Una Nuova Vittoria Di Tadini Nella Vi Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi", RACI , no. 8, 04-1938, pp. 7
29th May 1938
Event: Parma - Poggio di Berceto
Locality: Parma (IT)
Category / Group: Sport Nazionale
Class: Fino a 1100 cmc
Driver: Mario Braida (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
Time: 32'30"3/5
10th June 1938
Record: ADV: Weber carburettor advertising with the XII Parma - Poggio di Berceto ranking published in the L’Auto Italiana magazine n.16 on 10th June 1938 on page 1.
15th June 1938
Record: ADV: Weber carburettor advertising with the XII Parma - Poggio di Berceto ranking published in the Raci magazine n.11 15th June 1938 on page 30.
15th June 1938
Press review: Unknown, "Villoresi Ha Vinto La ''xii Parma- Poggio Di Berceto'' A 114km. Di Media", RACI , no. 11, 06-1938, pp. 16
14th August 1938
Event: Targa Abruzzo - 6 Ore di Pescara
Locality: Pescara (IT)
Driver: Mario Braida (IT)
Note: The following driver-owner Foscari also raced the Targa Abruzzo in the 750cc category with race number 80.
From 21st August 1938
to 24th August 1938
Event: Corsa Internazionale dello Stelvio
Locality: Stelvio (IT)
Driver: Mario Braida (IT)
From 26th August 1938
to 24th January 1939
Owner: Paolo Foscari (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 12.000
From 28th September 1938
to 1st February 1939
Plate: VE-8911
Country: IT
From 24th January 1939
to 23rd April 1946
Owner: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Famous owner: Racing driver.
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Giovanni Guadagnin
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Note: Full fenders were replaced with sleeker motorcycle-style fenders, for sporting purposes.
From 1st February 1939
to 25th April 1946
Plate: VI-9332
Country: IT
10th February 1939
Press review: Unknown, "Indiscrezioni Sulla Tobruk-tripoli", L'Auto Italiana , no. 4, 02-1939, pp. 33
25th March 1939
Event: Tobruk - Tripoli
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
11th June 1939
Event: Circuito dell'Impero
Locality: Roma (IT)
Race number: #58
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Note: Grid: 5th (2:13.500)
20th June 1939
Press review: Unknown, "Il Circuito Dell'impero", L'Auto Italiana , no. 17, 06-1939, pp. 35
1st July 1939
Press review: Unknown, "V° Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi '' Sassi - Superga'' - Programma Ufficiale", Reale Automobile club d'Italia , no. 13, 07-1939, pp. 1
2nd July 1939
Event: V Corsa in salita dei Colli Torinesi - Sassi Superga
Locality: Pino torinese (IT)
Race number: #28
Class: II Fiat 1100
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
Time: 4'00"9/10
Note: Time in race practice 4'10". Starting time: 10:29. Hourly average: km. 67.248
9th July 1939
Event: Trento - Bondone
Locality: Trento (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1100 cmc
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
Time: 13'31"3
Note: Monticello won the 1938 edition in a Fiat 508 Sport, presumably another car.
15th July 1939
Press review: Unknown, "V° Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi", Reale Automobile club d'Italia , no. 14, 07-1939, pp. 6
16th July 1939
Event: Coppa A. Mercanti - Corsa dello Stelvio
Locality: Stelvio (IT)
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
17th July 1939
Press review: Unknown, "La ''v Corsa Dei Colli Torinesi'' Da Sassi E Superga", Motor Italia , 07-1939, pp. 31
28th April 1940
Event: I Gran Premio Brescia delle Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #47
Class: Sino a 1.100 cmc
Driver: Aldo Monticello (IT)
Co-Driver: Arvedo Zanella
Results / Prizes: 31st OA
Time: Start: 5.30'00"- Brescia-Roma: n.ii'08"- B
Note: 1st round 1.30’02”4 (50th), 2nd round 2.51’28”1 (41st), 3rd round 4.12’44”3 (36th), 4st round 5.37’29”2 (36th), 5st round 6.58’39”1 (35th), 6st round 8.23’27”4 (29th), 7st 9.47’44”3 (28th), 8st 11.11’08”0 (24th).
10th May 1940
Press review: Lurani Giovannino, "Il 1° Gran Premio Brescia Delle ''mille Miglia'' Nelle Impressioni Di Un Protagonista Sfortunato", L'Auto Italiana , no. 13, 05-1940, pp. 25
From 23rd April 1946
to 8th June 1948
Owner: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Famous owner: Racing driver
From 25th April 1946
to 3rd August 1948
Plate: VR-17117
Country: IT
19th May 1946
Event: Sanremo - Poggio dei Fiori
Locality: Sanremo (IT)
Race number: #74
Category / Group: II
Class: 1100 cmc
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 18th OA / 12th CL
Time: 5’53”
Note: First official automotive sporting event in post-war northern Italy. Zanetti had just taken the car from Monticello who also ran, finishing seventh.
9th June 1946
Event: Corsa in salita passo S. Boldo
Locality: San Boldo (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Class: Oltre 750 cc
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
Time: 7'32"2
10th June 1946
Press review: Mugnai Rodolfo, "La Sanremo - Poggio Dei Fiori", L'Auto Italiana , no. 10, 06-1946, pp. 27
30th June 1946
Event: Circuito di Modena
Locality: Modena (IT)
Race number: #68
Class: 1100 cmc
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
Event: Unknown
Locality: (IT)
September 1946
Event: Giro del Savio
Locality: Ravenna (IT)
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
15th September 1946
Event: Circuito della Superba
Locality: Genova (IT)
Race number: #48
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 7th CL
Time: 48’8”4
1st October 1946
Press review: Unknown, "Il Circuito Della Superba, Magnifica Giornata Di Sport", L'Auto Italiana , no. 18, 10-1946, pp. 18
1st October 1946
Press review: Unknown, "Notiziario Sociale", L'Auto Italiana , no. 18, 10-1946, pp. 8
1st May 1947
Press review: Unknown, "Al Circuito Di Piacenza Vincono Pietro Avalle (fiat) Nando Righetti (fiat) Guido Barbieri (maserati)", L'Auto Italiana , no. 9, 05-1947, pp. 21
11th May 1947
Event: Circuito Automobilistico di Piacenza
Locality: Piacenza (IT)
Race number: #102
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Laps: 5
Note: Grid: 12th. Withdrew from the race on the 5th lap.
From 21st June 1947
to 22nd June 1947
Event: XIV Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #24
Category / Group: Turismo Internazionale
Class: Sino a 1.100 cmc
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (IT)
Driver: Luigi Zanetti (ZA)
Co-Driver: Leopoldo Alberti
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 20.28’00"- Brescia-Roma: 8.45'00”- Padova: 22.03', Pesaro: 1.02'24", Terni: 3.36'. Roma: 5.13'. Livorno: 9.12'. . Brescia-Roma-Brescia: ritirati
From 8th June 1948
to 30th August 1949
Owner: Fernando Pascolini (IT)
29th June 1948
Event: I Giro Automobilistico dell'Umbria
Locality: Perugia (IT)
Race number: #172
Driver: F. Sebastiani
Co-Driver: P. Ceccarelli
29th June 1948
Press review: Unknown, "Oggi Verrà Disputato Il Giro Automobilistico Dell'umbria", La Nazione , 06-1948, pp. 1
From 3rd August 1948
to 26th February 2014
Plate: PG-12524
Country: IT
From 30th August 1949
to 25th July 2005
Owner: Sesto Boari (IT)
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
Bibliography: Liber Walter, 50° Trento-bondone Cinquant'anni Di Competizioni , Automobile Club Trento, n.p. 2000
October 2001
Bibliography: Curami Andrea, La Sport E I Suoi Artigiani 1937-1965 , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2001
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Giovanni Guadagnin
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Note: During a complete restoration the body recovered its original full fenders.
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Mille Miglia Identikit , Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
6th July 2004
Record: Statement on the car made by Guadagnin Giovanni.
6th July 2004
Record: Guadagnin Giovanni with the car.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 2004
to 2005
Restoration: Restoration car photo.
From 25th July 2005
to 26th February 2014
Owner: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
16th November 2005
Identification document: FIVA Identify Card n.024690; Categorized A3; ASN that issued the certificate Automotoclub Storico Italiano ; Owner' country Italy.
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 2006 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 2006
From 11th May 2006
to 14th May 2006
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #62
Driver: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
Co-Driver: L. Baccarelli (IT)
Results / Prizes: 206th OA
14th June 2006
Event: Le mitiche sport a Bassano
Locality: Bassano del Grappa (IT)
Race number: #40
Driver: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
From 17th May 2007
to 20th May 2007
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #115
Driver: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
Co-Driver: Riccardo Bachiorri (IT)
Results / Prizes: 237th OA
From 4th July 2009
to 5th July 2009
Event: Via col vento
Locality: Perugia (IT)
Race number: #10
Driver: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
Record: Car photo.
Record: Chassis number photo.
Record: 3/4 left side car photo.
Record: Brake photo.
Record: Cockpit photo.
Record: Left side car photo.
From 10th May 2013
to 12th May 2013
Event: Coppa della Perugina
Locality: Perugia (IT)
Race number: #55
6th January 2014
Event: Befana del vigile
Locality: Perugia (IT)
Race number: #86
Driver: Ernesto Miletti (IT)
From March 2014
to 2nd January 2017
Note: Classic car specialist. Sale was handled by Lorenzo Marzullo, Italian broker.
From March 2014
to January 2017
Plate: 1OZF463
Country: BE
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 2015 , 1000 Miglia Srl, n.p. 2015
From 14th May 2015
to 17th May 2015
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #129
Driver: Renaat Declerck
Co-Driver: Jean-Christophe Henderickx
Results / Prizes: 237th OA
From 2nd January 2017
to 19th January 2023
Owner: Bernard Vanhauter (BE)
From 2017
to 2022
Plate: 0AZG472
Country: BE
Bibliography: Unknown author, The Most Beautiful Race In The World: Guida Ufficiale Mille Miglia 2018 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 2018
Bibliography: Unknown author, Ordine Di Partenza - Mille Miglia 2018 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 2018
From 16th May 2018
to 19th May 2018
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #107
Category / Group: 2
Driver: Bernard Vanhauter (BE)
Co-Driver: Alex Vanhauter
Results / Prizes: OA / 195th OA
Note: Coeff 1.60 - Penality CO 0 - Penality 11120 - Point 24397 - Gap 49711
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
Bibliography: Unknown author, The Most Beautiful Race In The World: Guida Ufficiale Mille Miglia 2019 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 2019
Bibliography: Unknown author, Ordine Di Partenza: Mille Miglia 2019 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 2019
From 15th May 2019
to 18th May 2019
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #122
Category / Group: 2
Driver: Bernard Vanhauter (BE)
Co-Driver: Mathias Peter Vanhauter (BE)
Results / Prizes: OA / 166th OA
Note: Coeff 1.65 - Penality CO 0 - Penality 11143 - Point 26979 - Gap 47773
From 16th June 2021
to 19th June 2021
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #94
Driver: Francesco Siccardi (CH)
Co-Driver: Aldo Carozza (CH)
Results / Prizes: 96th OA
From 19th January 2023
to currently
Owner: Private collection
From February 2023
to 25th February 2023
Event: THE ICE The International Concours of Elegance
Locality: (CH)
Race number: #45
Driver: Francesco Siccardi (CH)
From 13th June 2023
to 17th June 2023
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #105
Driver: Francesco Siccardi (CH)
Co-Driver: Matteo Kamata (CH)
Results / Prizes: 268th OA
20th September 2023
Record: Chassis and engine number photos.
Plate: ZA323PH
Country: IT
16th February 2024
Identification document: FIVA Identify card n. 111FRN018; ASN that issued the certifcate Automotoclub Storico Italiano; Owner's country Italy.
June 2024
Press review: Unknown, "La Corsa Più Bella Del Mondo, Elenco Concorrenti 2024", Il giornale di Brescia , 06-2024, pp. 51
From 11th June 2024
to 15th June 2024
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #106
Driver: Francesco Siccardi (CH)
Co-Driver: David Craig Loucks (US)
Results / Prizes: 100th OA
15th July 2024
Identification document: Rina Certificate N. RAM-11 for the historical research conducted on the car through a validation process of its proven historicity and provenance by Automotive Masterpieces.
24th September 2024
Identification document: Fiat Certificate of origin.
21st December 2024
Identification document: Automotive Masterpieces certificate AU-18396 car officially counted among the Automotive Masterpieces in its eligible categories.