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1955 Ermini 357 Sport

Chassis no. 1555
Engine no. Unknown
Coachbuilder Carrozzeria Scaglietti
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From 1955
to 26th December 1960
Famous owner: Italian car manufacturer
From 1955
to 1st September 1957
Plate: PROVA FI133
Country: IT
Plate: PROVA AR19
Country: IT
Seats: Tan
Engine no. 1555
Note: Twin spark. Ermini aluminum block 5 bearings with aluminum head.
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Scaglietti
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Chassis no. 1555
Manufacturer: CAIANI
20th April 1955
Press review: Unknown author, "Unknown", L'Auto Italiana , no. 24, 04-1955, pp. 24
From 30th April 1955
to 1st May 1955
Event: XXII Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #602
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1.500 cm3
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 6.02’00"- Brescia-Roma: ritirato
1st May 1955
Event: II Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #602
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
29th May 1955
Event: G.P. Supercortemaggiore
Locality: Monza (IT)
Race number: #110
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Co-Driver: Otello Biagiotti (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
5th June 1955
Event: Circuito del Mugello
Locality: Borgo San Lorenzo (IT)
Race number: #50
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Co-Driver: Mecatti (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
12th June 1955
Event: XV Parma - Poggio di Berceto
Locality: Parma (IT)
Race number: #158
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 9th OA / 1st CL
19th June 1955
Event: G.P. Shell
Locality: Imola (IT)
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
26th June 1955
Event: Circuito di Caserta
Locality: Caserta (IT)
Driver: Libero Bindi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
September 1955
Engine update no. unknown
Note: Type 114
18th September 1955
Event: Catania - Etna
Locality: Catania (IT)
Race number: #150
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
16th October 1955
Event: XXXIX Targa Florio
Circuit: Piccolo Circuito Madonie
Locality: Cerda (IT)
Race number: #62
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Co-Driver: Piero Altini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 32nd OA / 4th CL
22nd April 1956
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #310
Driver: Piero Altini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 22nd OA / 5th CL
13th May 1956
Event: Premio Modena
Locality: Modena (IT)
Race number: #34
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF / 9th CL
24th June 1956
Event: XXVI Criterium di Roma - XXIII Coppa Gallenga
Locality: Vermicino (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
1st July 1956
Event: Bolzano - Mendola
Locality: Bolzano (IT)
Race number: #370
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 9th CL
9th September 1956
Event: Coppa Spoleto - Monteluco
Locality: Spoleto (IT)
Race number: #96
Category / Group: Sport
Class: Da 751 fino a 1100 cc
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
23rd September 1956
Event: XI Catania - Etna
Locality: Catania (IT)
Race number: #150
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
25th December 1956
Event: Checkpoint
Locality: Unknown city (GB)
Race number: #16
Note: British crime drama film directed by Ralph Thomas and starring Anthony Steel, Odile Versois, Stanley Baker, and James Robertson Justice.
28th April 1957
Event: Bologna - San Luca
Locality: Bologna (IT)
Race number: #376
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
5th May 1957
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #320
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 30th OA / 3rd CL
1st September 1957
Event: L'Aosta - Gran San Bernardo
Locality: Aosta (IT)
Race number: #112
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Class: Da 751 a 1100 cc
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
14th September 1958
Event: Stallavena Boscochiesanuova
Locality: Verona, Italia (IT)
Race number: #424
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
19th October 1958
Event: Aosta - Pila
Locality: Valle d'Aosta (IT)
Race number: #166
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
5th April 1959
Event: Stallavena - Boscochiesanuova
Locality: Stallavena (IT)
Race number: #426
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
7th June 1959
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #204
Category / Group: Sport
Class: Da 750 a 1100 cc
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
5th July 1959
Event: Bolzano - Mendola
Locality: Bolzano (IT)
Race number: #328
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
14th December 1960
Identification document: Carta di circolazione
14th December 1960
Plate: FI-143376
Country: IT
From 27th December 1960
to 9th September 1965
Owner: Roberto Dolfì (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 200.000
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
Note: Wilma Ermini (daughter of Pasquale Ermini, founder of the Officine Ermini Firenze) sold to Roberto Dolfi
17th June 1962
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #380
Driver: Roberto Dolfì (IT)
Results / Prizes: 92nd OA / 5th CL
15th July 1962
Event: Vinci San Baronto
Locality: Unknown city (IT)
Race number: #202
Driver: Roberto Dolfì (IT)
Results / Prizes: 25th OA / 2nd CL
Engine update no. unknown
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO SPA (IT)
Note: Typ 1100/103
From 10th September 1965
to 1971
Owner: Mario Grassi (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 90.000
From 1971
to 2003
Owner: Alessandro Ercoli (IT)
Engine update no. unknown
Note: Twin spark. Ermini aluminum block 5 bearings with aluminum head.
Generic fact: Other photos
From 1st May 1986
to 4th May 1986
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #138
Driver: Ercoli (IT)
From 5th May 1988
to 8th May 1988
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #245
Driver: Alessandro Ercoli (IT)
Co-Driver: Corrado Lotti (IT)
Results / Prizes: NC
Restoration: Photo body and assembly
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
From 21st May 1992
to 24th May 1992
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #205
Driver: Ercoli (IT)
Results / Prizes: 47th OA
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
From 14th May 1998
to 17th May 1998
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #227
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
Co-Driver: Angela Citroni (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
From 25th May 2000
to 27th May 2000
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #340
Driver: Ercoli (IT)
Results / Prizes: NC
From 2003
to currently
Owner: Private collection
June 2003
Press review: Stassano Andrea, "Artigiano Fiorentino", Ruoteclassiche , no. 174, 06-2003, pp. 102
From 20th June 2008
to 22nd June 2008
Event: Stefano Ricci Heritage Trophy
Locality: (IT)
Race number: #27
Note: Displayed in the Giardino di Boboli and Pitti Immagine Uomo
November 2008
Generic fact: Other photos S.P.A.Z.I.O.
Bibliography: Bertei Gianfranco, Parma - Poggio Di Berceto 1955/2005 , Scuderia Parma Auto Storiche, n.p. 2009
Generic fact: Other photos
14th April 2009
Identification document: FIVA Identity Card no.: 29984 - Categorized: A3 - ASN that issued the certificate: Automotoclub Storico Italiano - Owner's name: Ercoli Eugenio - Owner's country: Italy
From 13th May 2009
to 17th May 2009
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #1927 1000
Race number: #176
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
Co-Driver: Angela Citroni (IT)
Results / Prizes: 75th OA
June 2009
Press review: Visani Marco, "Une Sportive Sauce Florentine", Gazoline , 06-2009, pp. 10
September 2009
Event: Concerto Divino
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
February 2010
Press review: Greggio Fabrizio, "Diavoletti Rossi", Ruoteclassiche , no. 254, 02-2010, pp. 100
From 5th June 2010
to 6th June 2010
Event: Bologna - Passo della Raticosa
Locality: Bologna (IT)
Race number: #3
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
Co-Driver: Erica Ercoli (IT)
Results / Prizes: 16th OA
From September 2011
to September 2011
Event: Coppa Toscana
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #27
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
May 2012
Bibliography: Ercoli Eugenio, Ermini L'arte Dei Motori A Fienze , Libreria Automotoclub Storico Italiano, n.p. 2012
From 6th March 2014
to 16th March 2014
Event: Geneva International Motor Show
Locality: Unknown city (CH)
Note: Displayed in the Ermini's area during the presentation of the Ermini Seiottosei
28th February 2015
Event: Autissima old cars & motorcycles
Note: Displayed in the Ermini's area
From 1st May 2015
to 26th June 2015
Event: Ermini "La genesi del marchio ed il suo legame con la Mille Miglia"
Locality: Brescia (IT)
20th October 2015
Generic fact: Other photos ERMINI L’arte dei motori a Firenze - Florentine racing cars
From 3rd December 2016
to 11th December 2016
Event: Bologna Motor Show
Locality: Bologna (IT)
16th September 2017
Event: Concorso d'Eleganza - Auto d'Epoca Città di Mantova
Locality: Mantova (IT)
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
Results / Prizes: RET
From 8th September 2018
to 9th September 2018
Event: Stefano Ricci Heritage Trophy
Locality: Firenze (IT)
November 2018
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2018
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
November 2020
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Ii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2020
No information available about this GF-108004 generic fact
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023
From 26th April 2024
to 28th April 2024
Event: Concorso di Eleganza e Sportività Città di Trieste
Locality: Trieste (IT)
Class: From 1946 to 1965
Driver: Eugenio Ercoli (IT)
Results / Prizes: Public Award: Coppa Città di Trieste