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1950 Cisitalia 202 Spyder

Chassis no. 154SC
Engine no. 279
Coachbuilder Carrozzeria Castagna Milano
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Seats: Brown
Engine no. 279
Note: Type: 102
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Castagna Milano
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Black
Chassis no. 154sc
30th June 1950
Plate: MI-151562
Country: IT
From 8th July 1950
to 10th July 1952
Owner: Penzo Gino Vittorio (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 1.400.000
8th July 1950
Plate: MI-151572
Country: IT
From 26th August 1950
to 27th August 1950
Event: Concorso d'Eleganza del Lido di Venezia
Locality: Venezia (IT)
Race number: #118
24th June 1951
Event: VII Varese Campo dei Fiori, Trofeo Emilio Dansi
Locality: Varese (IT)
Race number: #54
Driver: Luciano Gramegna (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
June 1952
Generic fact: Other photos
From 11th July 1952
to 25th May 1970
Owner: Giordano Rota (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
Generic fact: Other photos
March 1953
Press review: Unknown author, "Latest Cisitalia Speedster", Autosport , no. 13, 03-1953, pp. 36
5th September 1953
Event: Cortemaggiore - Merano II Trofeo Automobilistico Supercortemaggiore
Locality: Cortemaggiore (IT)
Race number: #820
Driver: Giordano Rota (IT)
Generic fact: Other photos
Generic fact: Other photos
From 26th May 1970
to 27th June 1977
Owner: Enrico Valerio Alberto Maffioli (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 110.000
From 17th April 1971
to 18th April 1971
Event: II Rievocazione 1000 Miglia Storica - Padova/Roma/Padova
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Driver: Enrico Maffioli (IT)
Co-Driver: Puglisi
Plate: ZH30025U
Country: CH
June 1976
Press review: Unknown author, "Le ''cisi'' Non Fanno Ridere", Autosprint , 06-1976, pp. 64
6th June 1976
Event: Incontro Internazionale Cisitalia
Locality: Mantova (IT)
Driver: Vittorio Maffioli (IT)
15th July 1976
Press review: Unknown author, "Cisitalia Da Collezione", L'Automobile , no. 7, 07-1976, pp. 71
15th August 1976
Press review: Balestra Nino, "E Fu Tempo Di Manovella", La Manovella , no. 4, 08-1976, pp. 16
Plate: PROVAGE596
Country: IT
Generic fact: Other photos
From 17th June 1977
to 19th June 1977
Event: 1927 - 1977 50° DELLA 1000 MIGLIA
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #53
Driver: Franco Lombardi (IT)
Co-Driver: Luciano Luppi (IT)
28th June 1977
Owner: Franco Lombardi (IT)
July 1977
Generic fact: Other photos
Owner: Rudy Pas (NL)
Generic fact: Other photos
Owner: Raymond J. Bitterli (CH)
Event: Unknown
Event: Suisse 1980
Locality: Lugano (CH)
Driver: Raymond J. Bitterli (CH)
Generic fact: Other photos
Generic fact: Other photos
October 1980
Press review: Unknown author, "Cisi,cisi Fortissimamente Cisi", La Manovella , no. 5, 10-1980, pp. 22
Owner: Steven Forristall (US)
Owner: John Mecom (US)
January 1984
Bibliography: La Manovella , no. 1, 01-1984
From 18th April 1984
to 6th July 1990
Owner: Emilio Comelli (IT)
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Castagna Milano
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Generic fact: Other photos
Generic fact: Other photos
February 1990
Press review: Unknown author, "The Rise And Fall Of Piero Dusio", Classic & Sport Car , 02-1990, pp. 86
27th July 1990
Owner: Giovanni Anzeloni (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 500.000
28th July 1990
Owner: Enrico Momo (IT)
Purchase price: Lire 6.000.000
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
December 2000
Restoration: Photo chassis engine - mechanics
From 2001
to 27th October 2005
Owner: Michael Jean Francis Kruch (BE)
July 2003
Press review: Unknown author, "1950 Cisitalia 202sc Spyder Sport One-off Alloy Coachwork By Castagna", The Stinger , 07-2003, pp. 53
Bibliography: Simoni Mario, Un Sogno Chiamato Cisitalia , Unknown publisher, n.p. 2004
January 2004
Generic fact: Other photos
15th February 2004
Event: Artcurial - Briest, Poulain, Le Fur
Race number: #18
Note: Exposition au Palais des Congrès de Paris. Lot 18 - estimate 18-220.000 euro
From 1st April 2004
to 4th April 2004
Event: Techno Classica Essen
Locality: Essen (DE)
1st September 2004
Record: FIA - Parcours de regularite historique
September 2004
Generic fact: Other photos
Plate: OHIO CV43
Country: US
September 2005
Record: ADV: Sale Announcement for 202 Spyder Corsa ,1950 Bordeaux, Castagna, unico esemplare, 100% originale, e restaurata come nuova, telaio 154 SC , motore Sport speciale 1100 cc, specifica Mille Miglia, esemplare originale ed eccezionale, prezzo 195.000 euro. Published on Italian Magazine ‘’Ruoteclassiche’’ n.201 September 2005
From 27th October 2005
to currently
Owner: Private collection
8th March 2006
Identification document: ASI
From 11th May 2006
to 14th May 2006
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #242
Driver: Luigi Zampaglione (IT)
Co-Driver: Puglisi
Results / Prizes: 292nd OA
27th September 2006
Plate: DB202XJ
Country: Unknown nationality
Generic fact: Other photos
4th January 2007
Identification document: CSAI
From 17th May 2007
to 20th May 2007
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #211
Driver: Luigi Zampaglione (IT)
Co-Driver: R. Botti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 92nd OA
Restoration: Photo chassis engine - mechanics
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Castagna Milano
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Black
From 15th May 2008
to 18th May 2008
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #129
Driver: Luigi Zampaglione (IT)
Co-Driver: Gianfranco Ronchi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
November 2008
Restoration: Photo chassis engine - mechanics
17th December 2008
Identification document: FIVA Identity Card no.: 29918 - Categorized: A3 - ASN that issued the certificate: ASI - Owner's country: Italy
From 24th September 2010
to 27th September 2010
Event: uniques special ones international concours
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #32
Class: 4: Early post-war italian coachbuilders
Bibliography: Balestra Nino, Cisitalia Una Storia Di Coraggio E Passione , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2016
November 2018
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2018
Press review: Balestra Nino, "The Shy For A Roof...for Vips", Unknown , 2020, pp. 72