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1953 Fiat 8V

Chassis no. 106*000008*
Engine no. CS*042*
Coachbuilder Carrozzerie Speciali Fiat
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Coachbuilder: Carrozzerie Speciali Fiat
5th March 1953
Engine no. 000053
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO S.P.A. 151 AR0 (IT)
5th March 1953
Chassis no. 106*000008*
From 9th March 1953
to 24th August 1956
Owner: Emanuele Filiberto Nasi (IT)
Purchase price: 2.550.000 Lire
Famous owner: Italian racing driver, president of the Automobile Club Torino.
From 9th March 1953
to 12th September 1956
Plate: TO-143309
Country: IT
From 25th October 1953
to 26th October 1953
Event: Sassi - Superga
Locality: Torino (IT)
Race number: #128
Category / Group: Gran Turismo Internazionale
Class: 2000 cc
Driver: Emanuele Filiberto Nasi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 6th CL
From 24th August 1956
to 26th June 1957
Owner: Benedetto Testa (IT)
Purchase price: 350.000 Lire
From September 1956
to 3rd August 1957
Plate: BG-38945
Country: IT
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzerie Speciali Fiat
From 11th May 1957
to 12th May 1957
Event: XXIV Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #319
Category / Group: Gran Turismo
Class: Oltre 1.600 cc sino a 2.000 cc
Driver: Antonio "Tonino" Siddi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 3.19'00"- Brescia-Roma: ritirato
12th May 1957
Event: IV Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #319
Category / Group: Gran Turismo
Class: Da oltre 1600 a 2000 cc
Driver: Antonio "Tonino" Siddi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
From 26th June 1957
to 25th November 1958
Owner: Antonio "Tonino" Siddi (IT)
Purchase price: 1.500.000 Lire
Famous owner: Athlete of the Italian Olympic Team and racing driver.
From 3rd August 1957
to 19th January 1969
Plate: BS-63136
Country: IT
From 25th November 1958
to 6th June 1959
Owner: Ezio Baglietti (IT)
Purchase price: 330.000 Lire
From 19th January 1959
to 15th June 1959
Plate: MI-409837
Country: IT
From 6th June 1959
to 2nd March 1960
Owner: Anna Corsaro (IT)
From 15th June 1959
to 16th March 1960
Plate: CO-70390
Country: IT
Engine update no. cs*042*
Manufacturer: SIATA (IT)
Note: V-type 70 degree. Aluminum heads
From 2nd March 1960
to 20th June 1963
Owner: Giovanni Battista Minozzi (IT)
Purchase price: 285.000 Lire
Famous owner: Giovanni Minozzi was a racing driver with a long and successful career. Nephew to Grand Prix driver Antonio Ascari, cousin to Formula 1 champion Alberto Ascari.
14th March 1960
Identification document: Carta di circolazione
16th March 1960
Plate: MI-467837
Country: IT
From 20th June 1963
to 28th April 1970
Owner: Tommaso Maiorana (IT)
Purchase price: 300.000 Lire
Seats: Beige
Body update
Coachbuilder: unknown
Type: Fastback coupe
Colour: Red
From 28th April 1970
to 31st August 1979
Owner: Giorgio Franchetti (IT)
Purchase price: 100.000 Lire
Famous owner: Collector of contemporary art, grandson of the homonymous baron, patron and collector, to whom we owe the restoration of the Ca 'd'Oro Venetian palace.
Note: Giorgio Franchetti, of Rome, on his way to the capital, stopped due to a breakdown in Anzola dell'Emilia (Bologna) in front of Righini Demolizioni where he left the car. The Chronological Excerpt reports a "salto di continuità nelle trascrizioni".
From 1974
to 1st January 1979
Owner: Mario Righini (IT)
Famous owner: Mario Righini, a Bolognese entrepreneur, is one of the great Italian collectors of historic cars; he lives in a castle in Panzano, home to his very precious and prestigious collection of vehicles that touches upon a thousand pieces, including real jewels of international and Italian history.
From 31st August 1979
to 3rd October 2006
Owner: Giancarlo Saporetti (IT)
From 13th May 1982
to 16th May 1982
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #78
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: De Pasquale (IT)
5th December 1988
Record: Letter from Mr. Saporetti Giancarlo to Mr. Deboer
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
January 1992
Restoration: Photo chassis engine - mechanics
January 1992
Restoration: Photo Interiors
January 1992
Generic fact: Other photos
January 1992
Generic fact: Other photos
February 1992
Restoration: Photo body and assembly
February 1992
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzerie Speciali Fiat
Colour: Red
March 1992
Generic fact: Other photos
From 13th May 1993
to 16th May 1993
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #206
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Supremo Montanari (IT)
Results / Prizes: 180th OA
6th July 1993
Identification document: ASI Certificate
5th September 1993
Event: Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Race number: #57
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Saporetti (IT)
November 1993
Press review: Catozzi Maurizio, "Sotto Il Diluvio", Auto d'Epoca , no. 11, 11-1993, pp. 48
From 5th May 1994
to 8th May 1994
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #321
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Supremo Montanari (IT)
Results / Prizes: 16th OA
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
4th September 1994
Event: Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
From 18th May 1995
to 21st May 1995
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #204
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Supremo Montanari (IT)
Results / Prizes: 73rd OA
From 8th September 1995
to 9th September 1995
Event: Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Event: Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
From 14th May 1998
to 17th May 1998
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #231
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Berto (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
From 3rd September 1999
to 5th September 1999
Event: Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Race number: #110
Driver: Saporetti (IT)
Co-Driver: Supremo Montanari (IT)
Results / Prizes: 19th OA
Interior update
Material: Cloth
Seats: Cockpit/panels: Pastel Blue and for the Seats: Pastel Blue
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzerie Speciali Fiat
Type: Fastback coupe
Colour: Pastel Blue
February 2005
Bibliography: Adriaensens Tony, Ottovu Fiat 106 Sport no. 214, Corsa Research Photo Archive - Corsa Research Bvba, n.p. 2005
From 3rd October 2006
to 31st December 2019
Owner: Paolo Saporetti (IT)
Purchase price: 50,00 Euro
13th November 2006
Identification document: Certificato di proprietà
October 2010
Identification document: Certificate of Authenticity
February 2012
Generic fact: Other photos
May 2012
Generic fact: Other photos
26th June 2013
Identification document: FIVA Identity Card n. 48127 ; Categorized: A3 ; ASN that issued the certificate ASI : Owner's country: Italy
From 19th June 2015
to 21st June 2015
Event: Vernasca Silver Flag
Locality: Castell'Arquato (PC) (IT)
Race number: #28
Driver: Paolo Saporetti (IT)
From 5th May 2017
to 7th January 2018
Event: 90 anni, 1000 Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
From 16th June 2017
to 17th June 2017
Event: Vernasca Silver Flag
Locality: Castell'Arquato (IT)
Race number: #41
Driver: Paolo Saporetti (IT)
Results / Prizes: Premio ASI: Miglior Restauro.
28th January 2018
Record: Chassis and Engine Numbers
April 2018
Restoration: Photo Interiors
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
5th March 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "I ''gioielli'' All'asta Alla Sfida Per Cifre Milionarie", Bresciaoggi , 03-2019, pp. 1
April 2019
Generic fact: Other photos
6th May 2019
Press review: Confaloni Savina, "Vecchie A Chi?", Corriere della sera , 05-2019, pp. 1
10th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "1000 Finarte, L'asta Per La Mille Miglia", La Repubblica , 05-2019, pp. 1
11th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "La Mille Miglia Diventa Una Corsa Alla Rarità", Sport week , 05-2019, pp. 1
13th May 2019
Event: 1000 Finarte
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Note: Classic Cars Auction. The car was sold in post-auction negotiations.
13th May 2019
Bibliography: Unknown author, 1000 Finarte Automobilia , Finarte Auctions S.r.l., n.p. 2019
13th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Auto D'epoca Rare E Automobilia A 1000 Finarte", viaggi.corriere - , 05-2019, pp. 1
13th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Mille Miglia, 42 Sogni All'asta", Vanityfair - , 05-2019, pp. 1
14th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Mille Miglia 2019: Dall'asta Finarte, Alla Gara. Bellezza E Competizione", autoedonna - , 05-2019, pp. 1
14th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Mille Miglia, Un Museo Viaggiante Da 250 Milioni", Il Sole 24 ore , 05-2019, pp. 1
16th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Con La Mille Miglia Riparte L'asta Di Auto D'epoca", Tgcom24 - , 05-2019, pp. 1
18th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "All'incanto Le Auto Anni ' 30 Gioielli Da Corsa Maserati O Alfa", Il Giornale , 05-2019, pp. 1
24th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Ultimo Aggiornamento", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
27th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Fiat 8v, L'unica Mai Prodotta Con Motore V8, Modello Rarissimo", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
27th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Fiat 8v, L'unica Mai Prodotta Con Motore V8, Modello Rarissimo", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
27th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "''ottovù'', L'unica Fiat Della Storia Con Motore V8", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
27th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "''ottovù'', L'unica Fiat Della Storia Con Motore V8", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
28th May 2019
Press review: Unknown Attenzione Duplicato, "Grande Successo All'asta 1000 Finarte", - , 05-2019, pp. 1
October 2019
Bibliography: Unknown author, Catalogo Padova Finarte 2019 , Finarte S.p.a., n.p. 2019
From 31st December 2019
to December 2021
Purchase price: 1.700.000,00 Euro
November 2020
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Ii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2020
From December 2021
to currently
Owner: Private collection
June 2022
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, The Earliest Surviving Rapi's Fiat 8v ( La Fiat 8V di Rapi più longeva), Automotive Masterpieces Srl, n.p. 2022
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023
From 24th October 2024
to 27th October 2024
Event: Auto e Moto d'Epoca Fiera di Bologna
Locality: Bologna (IT)