1938 Ogna Fiat 750 Giannini
Bartolomeo Nebbia, technical designer, born in Castello d'Annone (Asti) in 1891. Joining Fiat in 1911 as a draftsman, it becomes leader of the Ufficio Tecnico Motori (Technical Office of the engines) in 1920 and then chief clerk in 1930. Head of Service in 1940 during the direction Fessia, takes in 1953 the responsibilities of the Department Industrial engines. He leaves the service in 1958 with the appointment as a consultant. He died in Castello d'Annone in 1978.
We'll publish a biography on him on the occasion of his anniversary or when it will be reached a sufficient number of cars.
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CARS (48)
1951 Fiat 500 C
- Coachbuilder: Fiat
- Chassis n°: 306125
- Engine n°: 308619
Private collection
1951 Fiat Ermini Siluro 1100
- Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Motto
- Chassis n°: F035651F
- Engine n°: M00090
Private collection
1951 Fiat 750 derivata MM Gran Turismo
- Coachbuilder: Zagato
- Chassis n°: 500C*311129*
- Engine n°: 500B*315811*
Private collection
1951 Fiat Ermini Siluro 1100
- Coachbuilder: Fratelli Mariani
- Chassis n°: 028051
- Engine n°: 28051
Private collection
1951 Fiat 500 C
- Coachbuilder: Fiat
- Chassis n°: 500C*309463*
- Engine n°: 478630
Private collection
1952 Parisotto 750 Sport Siata
- Coachbuilder: Parisotto
- Chassis n°: 5062652
- Engine n°: 000145
Private collection
1952 Fiat 500 C
- Coachbuilder: Fiat
- Chassis n°: 500C*366836*
- Engine n°: 500B*242769*
Private collection
1953 Fiat trasformazione Stanguellini 750 Sport Internazionale
- Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Campana
- Chassis n°: CS04078
- Engine n°: CS04078
Private collection