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1950 Giaur 750 Sport

Chassis no. BT-004
Engine no. 500B*436123*
Coachbuilder Meccaniche Taraschi
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Seats: Red
Engine no. g1-085
Note: G1 unit, derived from Fiat 500 B - Third main bearing.
Coachbuilder: Meccaniche Taraschi
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Chassis no. bt-004
24th March 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Nuovi Motori A Roma Preparano I Fratelli Giannini", Corriere dello sport , 03-1950
April 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Gli Iscritti Della 750 Sport Alla ''mille Miglia''", Corriere dello sport , 04-1950
13th April 1950
Identification document: Car manufacturers' heritage certificate - Meccanica Taraschi
From 18th April 1950
to 23rd March 1951
Owner: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
From 18th April 1950
to 23rd March 1951
Plate: TE-6004
Country: IT
23rd April 1950
Event: Mille Miglia del 1950 - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #308
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cm3
Driver: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
Co-Driver: Vittorio Pigliacelli (IT)
Results / Prizes: 71st OA / 6th CL
Time: Start: 3.08'00"- Brescia-Roma: 9.1000"- Brescia-Roma-Brescia: 17.29'42"4/5
June 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Leonardi Precede Taraschi Dopo Una Lotta Serrata Ed Avvincente Nel Circuito Del Castello Di Teramo", Corriere dello sport , 06-1950
June 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "La Coppa Italia Centro Vive Domani Il Secondo Episodio Sul Circuito Del Castello A Teramo", Corriere dello sport , 06-1950
June 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Bordoni, Leonardi E Musso Al 2° Circuito Di Teramo", Corriere dello sport , 06-1950
June 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Le Classifiche", Corriere dello sport , 06-1950
4th June 1950
Event: II Coppa della Toscana
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #1029
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750
Driver: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
Results / Prizes: 33rd OA / 4th CL
Time: 7'65"32
17th June 1950
Event: II Circuito del Castello
Locality: Teramo (IT)
Driver: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
2nd July 1950
Event: Circuito di Collemaggio Coppa Cidonio
Locality: L'Aquila (IT)
Driver: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
August 1950
Press review: Unknown author, "Superba E Vittoriosa Corsa Di Taraschi Sull'anello Del Circuito Di Senigallia", Corriere dello sport , 08-1950
20th August 1950
Event: VI Circuito Moto-Auto di Senigallia - I Settimana Motoristica delle Marche
Locality: Senigallia (IT)
Driver: Italo Arlini Di Brigida (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Note: Lap 6
From 24th March 1951
to 22nd June 1953
Owner: Pietro Laureati (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
From 24th March 1951
to 6th December 1957
Plate: AP-10895
Country: IT
From 28th April 1951
to 29th April 1951
Event: XVIII Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #033
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cm3
Driver: Gustavo Laureati (IT)
Co-Driver: Elio Celani (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 0.33'00"- Brescia-Roma: ritirati
May 1951
Press review: Unknown author, "Bolidi Di Due Classi Al 2° Circuito Di Modena", Corriere dello sport , 05-1951
June 1951
Press review: Unknown author, "Ventiquattro Vetture Al Circuito Di Ascoli", Corriere dello sport , 06-1951
June 1951
Press review: Unknown author, "Al Circuito Di Teramo I Bolidi Della Classe 750 Sport", Corriere dello sport , 06-1951
17th June 1951
Event: Circuito del Castello - Coppa Centro Italia
Locality: Teramo (IT)
Driver: Pietro Laureati (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
24th June 1951
Event: Circuito delle Caldaie - Coppa Teodori
Locality: Ascoli Piceno (IT)
Driver: Pietro Laureati (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
23rd September 1951
Event: Gran Premio di Modena
Locality: Modena (IT)
Driver: Pietro Laureati (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
October 1951
Press review: Ciriachi Mario, "Leonardi E I Pilloti Romani Sono I Migliori Nella Spoleto-monteluco", Corriere dello sport , 10-1951
21st October 1951
Event: Spoleto - Monteluco
Locality: Spoleto (IT)
Category / Group: Sport
Class: fino a 750 cc
Driver: Pietro Laureati (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
Time: 6'56"2
Generic fact: Other photos
Press review: Unknown author, "Unknown", Unknown , 1953
From 25th April 1953
to 26th April 1953
Event: XX Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #2240
Driver: Gustavo Laureati (IT)
Co-Driver: Amedeo Francescangeli (IT)
Results / Prizes: 161st OA / 11th CL
Time: 15.35'00''
From 1953
to 26th April 1953
Event: Mille Miglia 1953 - Un film Shell
Locality: Brescia (IT)
From 23rd June 1953
to 1956
Owner: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
23rd June 1953
Record: De Angelis Francesco Payments
12th July 1953
Event: Circuito della Vittoria
Locality: Macerata (IT)
Race number: #24
Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
Results / Prizes: 6th OA / 3rd CL
Note: Race valid for the Coppa Italia Centro.
13th July 1953
Press review: Unknown author, "Taraschi Vince Su Casella Nel 1° Circuito Di Macerata", Corriere dello sport , 07-1953
9th August 1953
Event: IX Circuito Moto-Auto di Senigallia
Locality: Senigallia (IT)
Driver: De Angelis (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNS
30th August 1953
Event: Gran Criterium Vetturette
Locality: Chieti (IT)
Driver: De Angelis (IT)
6th September 1953
Event: Circuito del Lungomare
Locality: Salerno (IT)
Race number: #14
Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
Co-Driver: V. De Angelis (IT)
11th October 1953
Event: Coppa Gallenga
Locality: Vermicino (IT)
Race number: #196
Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
Results / Prizes: 10th OA
Time: 9' 57"5
16th October 1953
Record: Receipt Fratelli Giannini A. & D.
25th October 1953
Event: Coppa Fagioli
Locality: Osimo (IT)
Race number: #84
Driver: Vito De Angelis (IT)
27th January 1954
Record: Gustavo Laureati letter explanations car gearbox
Body update
Coachbuilder: Meccaniche Taraschi
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Note: The fenders (already of the motorcycle type) are now connected to the central body.
From 1st May 1954
to 2nd May 1954
Event: XXI Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #2337
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 750 cm3
Driver: Vincenzo De Angelis (IT)
Co-Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
Results / Prizes: 156th OA / 12th CL
Time: Start: 23.37’00"- Brescia-Roma: 9.07'Or- Brescia-Roma-Brescia: 18.3714"
2nd May 1954
Event: I Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #2337
Driver: Vincenzo De Angelis (IT)
Co-Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
17th June 1954
Event: XXIV Vermicino - Rocca di Papa - XXI Coppa Gallenga
Locality: Vermicino (IT)
Race number: #196
Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
29th June 1954
Event: Circuito dell'Acciaio
Locality: Terni (IT)
Race number: #10
Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
From 4th September 1954
to 5th September 1954
Event: Circuito del Lungomare
Locality: Salerno (IT)
Race number: #14
Driver: Vito De Angelis (IT)
Co-Driver: Francesco De Angelis (IT)
From 1956
to 6th December 1957
Owner: Alfredo Tinazzo (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
Note: In late 1955 Francesco De Angelis traded BT-004 to seasoned racer Alfredo Tinazzo for an Alfa Romeo 1900
From 7th December 1957
to 21st April 1958
Owner: Enzo Squillante Montoro (IT)
7th December 1957
Plate: ROMA-305304
Country: IT
From 22nd April 1958
to 26th November 1970
Owner: Vittoria Toesca Di Castellazzo (IT)
Engine update no. 500b*436123*
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO S.P.A. 151 AR0 (IT)
From 27th November 1970
to 7th February 1972
Owner: Riccardo Globi (IT)
From 8th February 1972
to 30th June 1999
Owner: Valeria Pacioni (IT)
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
From 1st July 1999
to 13th April 2011
Owner: Pietro Nardoni (IT)
April 2011
Generic fact: Other photos
From 13th April 2011
to currently
Owner: Private collection
November 2011
Press review: Brinker Mark, "Hidden Treasures 1950 Giaur", Vintage Race Car , no. 11, 11-2011, pp. 16
Restoration: Photo body and assembly
Generic fact: Other photos
November 2012
Press review: De Angelis Giuseppe, "La Storia Vera Della Giaur 750 Dei De Angelis", La Freccia Rossa , no. 11, 11-2012, pp. 60
March 2013
Generic fact: Other photos
April 2013
Press review: Unknown author, "Editorial", Sport Car Digest \ , 04-2013
19th April 2013
Press review: Unknown author, "Lost And Found After 60 Years- A Truly Italian History", Sport Car Digest \ , 04-2013
Event: Rievocazione del Gran premio di Bari
Locality: Bari (IT)
Race number: #15
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Dina Fiore (IT)
29th June 2013
Event: Targa Presider - Circuito di Avezzano
Locality: Avezzano (IT)
Race number: #12
Driver: Fabio Lepore (IT)
Co-Driver: Betty Carapucci (IT)
21st September 2013
Event: Coppa Ugo Barone, Svolte di Popoli Classica
Locality: Popoli (IT)
Race number: #37
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 34th OA
14th December 2013
Identification document: FIVA Identity Card no.: 45602 - Categorized: A3 - ASN that issued the certificate: A.S.I. - Owner's name: Giuseppe De Angelis - Owner's country: Italy
16th December 2013
Identification document: ASI
Generic fact: Other photos
5th July 2014
Event: Targa Presider - Circuito di Avezzano
Locality: Avezzano (IT)
Race number: #25
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
21st August 2014
Event: Sibillini e dintorni - Rievocazione storica Circuito della Vittoria
Locality: Macerata (IT)
Race number: #59
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Vittoria De Angelis (IT)
6th September 2014
Event: Coppa Ugo Barone, Svolte di Popoli Classica
Locality: Popoli (IT)
Race number: #37
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Dina Fiore (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNS
27th September 2014
Event: Raduno Tra i Colli Marchigiani - Trofeo Coppa Fagioli
Locality: Osimo (IT)
Race number: #12
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Event: Rievocazione Coppa Acerbo
Locality: Pescara (IT)
Race number: #13
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Bibliography: Acerbi L., Mille Miglia Immagini Di Una Corsa - A Race In Pictures , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2015
January 2015
Generic fact: Other photos
From 14th May 2015
to 17th May 2015
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #195
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Romano Girardi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 306th OA
Note: Points -8497
From 26th June 2015
to 28th June 2015
Event: Circuito di Avezzano
Locality: Avezzano (IT)
Race number: #20
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Dina Fiore (IT)
July 2015
Generic fact: Other photos
From 27th August 2015
to 30th August 2015
Event: Sibillini e dintorni - Rievocazione storica Circuito della Vittoria
Locality: Macerata (IT)
Race number: #56
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 48th OA
From 5th May 2017
to 7th January 2018
Event: 90 anni, 1000 Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
From 18th May 2017
to 21st May 2017
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #206
Driver: Giuseppe De Angelis Corvi (IT)
Co-Driver: Vincenzo Marini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 313th OA
Note: Points -69454
November 2018
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2018
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
November 2020
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Ii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2020
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023