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1954 Ermini 357 Sport

Chassis no. 15 55
Engine no. M-1555
Coachbuilder Fratelli Morelli
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From April 1954
to June 1954
Famous owner: Italian car manufacturer
Chassis no. 1055
Manufacturer: CAIANI
Engine no. m-1555
Note: Twin spark. Ermini aluminum block. 5 bearings. Aluminum head.
From 21st April 1954
to 2nd May 1954
Event: Salone Internazionale dell'Automobile
Locality: Torino (IT)
25th April 1954
Press review: Farinelli Aldo, "Oggi Il Presidente Scelba Visita Il Salone Dell'auto", La Stampa , no. 99, 04-1954, pp. 5
From June 1954
to 1955
Owner: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
June 1954
Coachbuilder: Frua
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
20th June 1954
Event: Coppa Balestrero
Locality: Toscana, Italia (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th OA
4th July 1954
Event: Bolzano - Mendola
Locality: Bolzano (IT)
Race number: #182
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
18th July 1954
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #88
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 12th OA / 2nd CL
From 19th July 1954
to 20th July 1954
Press review: Unknown, "Scotti Su '' Ferrari '' 1° Nella Coppa Consuma", La Stampa della Sera , no. 169, 07-1954, pp. 4
25th July 1954
Event: L'Aosta - Gran San Bernardo
Locality: Aosta (IT)
Race number: #128
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Class: > 750 cc < 1100 cc
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
Time: 28’17” 20
Note: Reported as Ermini speriment. on the press.
25th July 1954
Press review: Unknown, "Oggi Da Aosta I Bolidi Da Corsa Si Arrampicano Fino Al Gran S.bernardo", La nuova Stampa , no. 176, 07-1954, pp. 4
5th September 1954
Event: IV Corsa del Redentore
Locality: Nuoro, Italia (IT)
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Class: Classe 1100 cc
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
12th September 1954
Event: Circuito Automobilistico Città di Sassari
Locality: Sassari (IT)
Driver: Giulio Cabianca (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
19th September 1954
Event: Bologna - Passo della Raticosa
Locality: Bologna (IT)
Race number: #128
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
Event: Unknown
Race number: #42
10th October 1954
Event: Saline di Volterra - Volterra
Locality: Unknown city (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd OA / 2nd CL
Time: 7'27''5
17th October 1954
Event: Treponti - Castelnuovo
Locality: Treponti (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 2nd CL
24th October 1954
Event: Coppa automobilistica Firenze - Siena
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #148
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
Results / Prizes: 12th OA / 3rd CL
30th October 1954
Press review: Mugnaini G, "A Tempo Di Record Castellotti - Lancia Nella Firenze - Siena", L'Auto Italiana , no. 44, 10-1954, pp. 42
31st October 1954
Event: 6 ore di Castelfusano
Locality: Roma (IT)
Race number: #22
Results / Prizes: 22nd OA / 4th CL
Note: In the known pictures: in one Ermini poses behind Sport Frua together with assistant Corrado Chiarel and Otello Biagiotti, in a second picture Ermini poses at box of the circuit.
13th November 1954
Event: Salita Del Castellaccio
Locality: Livorno, Italia (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Buoncristiani (IT)
From 1955
to 24th April 1956
Owner: Pasquale "Pasquino" Ermini (IT)
Famous owner: Founder of Ermini Automobili, italian racing driver
Event: Unknown
Race number: #226
Event: Unknown
From 1955
to 1st September 1957
Plate: PROVA FI133
Country: IT
Chassis update no. 15 55
Manufacturer: CAIANI
Body update
Coachbuilder: Fratelli Morelli
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
Record: Car photo
Record: Car photo
Record: Car photo
27th March 1955
Event: Corsa in salita sulle Torricelle
Locality: Verona (IT)
Race number: #212
Category / Group: Sport Internazionale
Class: > 1100 cc.
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 9th OA / 1st CL
Time: 3'24'' e 2
From 3rd April 1955
to 4th April 1955
Event: XV Giro Automobilistico di Sicilia
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #309
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 20th OA / 2nd CL
From 30th April 1955
to 1st May 1955
Event: XXII Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #535
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1100 cc
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Co-Driver: Corrado Chiarel (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 5.35'00"- Brescia-Roma: ritirati
1st May 1955
Event: II Gran Premio Nuvolari della Mille Miglia
Locality: Cremona-Mantova-Brescia (IT)
Race number: #535
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Co-Driver: Corrado Chiarel (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
8th May 1955
Event: XXV Criterium di Roma - XXII Coppa Gallenga
Locality: Frascati (IT)
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
22nd May 1955
Event: Trapani - Monte Erice
Category / Group: Sport
Class: < 1100 cc
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th OA / 1st CL
Time: 11'4''4
30th May 1955
Press review: Unknown, "S'impone La Fiat 8v Di Arezzo Nella Trapani - Monte Erice", L'Auto Italiana , no. 15, 05-1955, pp. 60
5th June 1955
Event: Circuito del Mugello
Locality: Borgo San Lorenzo (IT)
Race number: #124
Race number: #74
Driver: L. Pagliai (IT)
Driver: Piero Scotti (IT)
Driver: Luciano Pagliai
Results / Prizes: DNS
Results / Prizes: 8th OA / 1st CL
Time: 2,54'15'' 4 5
Note: The day after the 1955 Mugello Circuit, Pagliai's Ermini 357 is portrayed, with the engine removed, after verification following a complaint from the Scuderia Campidoglio of Rome for non-compliant engine capacity, which was later revealed to be unfounded. Note the number on the side, changed from 74 to 124 to field the car in the first division with Piero Scotti, after his Ferrari had accused a mechanical problem during the circuit tests. Scotti was blocked on the starting line as the Ermini had been made the subject of a complaint and therefore had to remain in the closed park at the disposal of the technical commissioners. Average speed Km 99 and 876 m.
6th June 1955
Press review: Settimelli Leoncarlo, "Senza Avversari Maglioli (ferrari 3000) Si Aggiudica Il ''x Circuito Del Mugello ''", L'Unità del Lunedì , 06-1955, pp. 6
17th July 1955
Event: L'Aosta - Gran San Bernardo
Locality: Aosta (IT)
Race number: #114
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
Time: 27'48"4/5
From 18th July 1955
to 19th July 1955
Press review: Unknown, "Classifiche Assolute E Di Categoria '' Così Al Colle ''", La Stampa della Sera , no. 169, 07-1955, pp. 4
28th August 1955
Event: Coppa Selva Di Fasano
Locality: Brindisi, Italia (IT)
Driver: Enrico Manzini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd OA / 1st CL
Record: Car photo
Event: Unknown
Race number: #323
Event: Unknown
Race number: #1240
8th April 1956
Event: XVI Giro Automobilistico di Sicilia
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #145
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1100
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
22nd April 1956
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #320
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 16th OA / 3rd CL
From 23rd April 1956
to 28th August 1957
Record: Circulation paper
From 23rd April 1956
to 16th November 1957
Plate: FI-87467
Country: IT
From 24th April 1956
to 16th April 1957
Owner: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
10th June 1956
Event: XL Targa Florio
Circuit: Piccolo Circuito Madonie
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Co-Driver: Attilio Brandi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNA
24th June 1956
Event: XXVI Criterium di Roma - XXIII Coppa Gallenga
Locality: Vermicino (IT)
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd CL
Time: 8'19''3
15th July 1956
Event: Circuito Di Reggio Calabria
Circuit: Circuito Di Reggio Calabria
Locality: Reggio Calabria, Italia (IT)
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Note: Grid: 8th
2nd September 1956
Event: Coppa Sila
Locality: Cosenza (IT)
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
9th September 1956
Event: Coppa Spoleto - Monteluco
Locality: Spoleto (IT)
Race number: #90
Category / Group: Sport
Class: > 751 cc < 1100 cc
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th OA / 2nd CL
Time: 5'52''
30th September 1956
Event: Circuito di Sassari
Circuit: Circuito Di Sassari
Locality: Sassari, Italia (IT)
Race number: #36
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th OA / 4th CL
14th April 1957
Event: XVII Giro Automobilistico di Sicilia
Locality: Palermo (IT)
Race number: #214
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1100
Driver: Antonio Consolazio (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Note: Some sources the team is withdraw
From 16th April 1957
to 3rd December 2012
Owner: Giovanni Castellini (IT)
5th May 1957
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #324
Driver: Giovanni Castellini (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNS
Note: N.V. Not Verified. Estimed starting time. 12.26'00''. The number 324 is was given to the Maserati 2000 Sport chassis 2040
From 16th November 1957
to 8th July 2015
Plate: TR-13843
Country: IT
1st June 1958
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #158
Driver: Giovanni Castellini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 7th CL
22nd June 1958
Event: Circuito di Caserta
Locality: Caserta (IT)
Driver: Giovanni Castellini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 5th CL
Note: 4 laps behind the winner.
7th June 1959
Event: Coppa della Consuma
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #202
Driver: Giovanni Castellini (IT)
Results / Prizes: 46th OA / 4th CL
May 1986
Bibliography: Redaelli Alberto, Le Leggendarie Mille Miglia , Cassa Di Risparmio Di Verona E Belluno, n.p. 1986
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
12th January 1993
Record: Exemption from car taxes
Bibliography: Santovetti Francesco, Vermicino Rocca Di Papa - Una Corsa Castellana , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 1997
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Mille Miglia Identikit , Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
From 17th April 2010
to 18th April 2010
Event: Fuoriserie
Locality: Roma (IT)
Note: Circolo Romano "La Manovella" area
May 2012
Bibliography: Ercoli Eugenio, Ermini L'arte Dei Motori A Fienze , Libreria Automotoclub Storico Italiano, n.p. 2012
From 19th November 2012
to 8th July 2015
Record: Circulation paper
From 3rd December 2012
to 17th July 2013
Owner: Edoardo Magnone (IT)
From 17th July 2013
to 8th July 2015
Owner: Angela Citroni (IT)
Bibliography: Acerbi L., Mille Miglia Immagini Di Una Corsa - A Race In Pictures , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2015
From 8th July 2015
to currently
Owner: Private collection
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
Bibliography: Mazzoni Maurizio, Da Saline A Volterra ,, n.p. 2021
November 2021
Restoration: Car photos
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Targa Florio's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces S.r.l., Genova 2024
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Salone Internazionale Dell'automobile Di Torino's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2026
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Giro Di Sicilia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2026