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1935 Fiat 508 S Balilla Sport

Chassis no. 508S071268
Engine no. 108000308
Coachbuilder Fiat
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26th March 1935
26th March 1935
Seats: Red
26th March 1935
Engine no. 108000308
Manufacturer: FIAT AUTO S.P.A. 151 AR0 (IT)
Note: type 108 CS
26th March 1935
Coachbuilder: Fiat
Type: Sport and Barchetta
Colour: Red
26th March 1935
Chassis no. 508s071268
From 4th April 1935
to 17th December 1936
Owner: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
From 4th April 1935
to 13th October 1949
Plate: MI-32446
Country: IT
14th April 1935
Event: IX Coppa delle Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #14
Class: Sino a 1100 cc (vetture sport)
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Co-Driver: Emilio "Mimi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 18th OA / 2nd CL
Time: Start: 4.06’30"- Brescia-Roma: 7.03'49"- Brescia-Roma-Brescia: 17.15'26"
14th April 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Cento Vetture Sulle Strade Della Mille Miglia", Corriere della sera , 04-1935, pp. 4
19th April 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Il Duca Di Spoleto Premia I Campioni Automobilisti Milanesi", Corriere della sera , 04-1935, pp. 4
20th April 1935
Press review: Borracci Pasquale, "La 9° Mille Miglia", L'Auto Italiana , 04-1935, pp. 69
From 15th June 1935
to 16th June 1935
Event: 1000 Mil Ceskoslovenskych
Locality: Praga (CZ)
Race number: #59
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Co-Driver: Emilio "Mimi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
16th June 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Gli Italiani Alla 1000 Miglia Cecoslovacca", Corriere della sera , 06-1935, pp. 4
7th July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Závod 1000 Mil", AUTO - Oficielní orgán Autoklubu Republiky Československé , no. 5, 07-1935, pp. 103
14th July 1935
Event: V Varese - Campo dei Fiori
Locality: Varese (IT)
Race number: #16
Class: Fino a 1500 cc
Driver: Emilio "Mimi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
18th July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Il Primo Circuito Di Varese", Corriere della sera , 07-1935, pp. 4
20th July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "La V° Varese-campo Dei Fiori", L'Auto Italiana , no. 20, 07-1935, pp. 45
20th July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Automobilismo Per I Giovani E Circuito Varesino", Corriere della sera , 07-1935, pp. 4
21st July 1935
Event: Circuito di Varese
Locality: Varese (IT)
Race number: #20
Class: Fino a 1100 cc
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 9th CL
Time: 51'27''1/5 - Km/h 73,358
22nd July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Battaglie Di Giovani Sul Circuito Di Varese", Corriere della sera , 07-1935, pp. 4
30th July 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Il Primo Circuito Di Varese", L'Auto Italiana , no. 21, 07-1935, pp. 45
4th August 1935
Event: Internationales Grossglockner Rennen
Locality: Distretto di Lienz (AT)
Race number: #54
Category / Group: Sport
Class: 1100 cc
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
Time: 18'23''5/10 - Km/h 63,615
11th August 1935
Event: Corsa delle 24 Ore per la Targa Abruzzo
Locality: Pescara (IT)
Race number: #41
Class: Prima fino a 1100 cc
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Co-Driver: Franco Spotorno (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
31st August 1935
Press review: Unknown, "Das I° Internationale Großglockner-rennen", Ōsterreichische Touring-Zeitung , no. 8, 08-1935, pp. 1
From 1st September 1935
to 4th September 1935
Event: Corsa Internazionale dello Stelvio
Locality: Sondrio (IT)
Race number: #26
Category / Group: Vetture Sport
Class: 1100 cc
Driver: Emilio "Mimi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
September 1935
Press review: Unknown, "The Grossglockner Hill Climb", Motor Sport , no. 9, 09-1935, pp. 495
29th September 1935
Event: Como - Lieto Colle
Locality: Como (IT)
Race number: #38
Category / Group: Sport senza compressore
Class: Fino a 1100 cc
Driver: Luigi "Gigi" Villoresi (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th OA / 1st CL
Time: 5'12''2/5
From 17th December 1936
to 14th October 1937
Owner: Adolfo Caspani (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
4th April 1937
Event: XI Coppa delle Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #45
Category / Group: Sport
Class: Cilindrata sino a 750 cm3
Driver: Adolfo Caspani (IT)
Co-Driver: Alfredo Pozzoni (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 4.12'00"- Brescia-Roma: 7.20'07"- Brescia-Roma-Brescia: ritirati
From 16th May 1937
to 19th May 1937
Event: Parma - Poggio di Berceto
Locality: Parma (IT)
Race number: #80
Category / Group: Turismo
Class: II - Fino a 1100 cc
Driver: Alfredo Pozzoni (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
From 14th October 1937
to 9th May 1947
Owner: Carlo Croff (IT)
Famous owner: Member of the well-known Milanese entrepreneurial dynasty, specialized in furnishing fabrics, curtains and carpets.
From 9th May 1947
to 4th October 1949
Owner: Aldo Croff (IT)
Note: Co-ownership with Anita Croff. Members of the well-known Milanese entrepreneurial dynasty, specialized in furnishing fabrics, curtains and carpets.
From 4th October 1949
to 17th July 1951
Owner: Ferdinando Bresciani (IT)
From 13th October 1949
to 6th November 1951
Plate: BG-18894
Country: IT
From 17th July 1951
to 10th November 1951
Owner: Severino Zambelli (IT)
From 6th November 1951
to 20th August 1955
Plate: BZ-16002
Country: IT
From 10th November 1951
to 5th July 1955
Owner: Carla Sztaronzi (IT)
From 5th July 1955
to 6th July 1956
Owner: Elico Millenotti (IT)
From 20th August 1955
to 11th July 1956
Plate: RE-28589
Country: IT
From 6th July 1956
to 8th August 1958
Owner: Giordano Guastalla (IT)
From 11th July 1956
to 27th August 1958
Plate: MN-34829
Country: IT
From 8th August 1958
to 24th September 1959
Owner: Guido Canali (IT)
From 27th August 1958
to 2nd October 1959
Plate: PR-40086
Country: IT
From 24th September 1959
to 11th November 1969
Owner: Ernesto Bianchi (IT)
Note: Co-ownership with Bianchi Emilio
From 2nd October 1959
to 9th December 1969
Plate: MI-444629
Country: IT
From 11th November 1969
to 13th June 1991
Owner: Emilio Bianchi (IT)
9th December 1969
Plate: VA-267128
Country: IT
Record: Car Photos
17th May 1988
Identification document: Certificato di omologazione
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
From 13th June 1991
to 13th February 1998
Famous owner: Count Giuseppe Cavagna di Gualdana is an entrepreneur and former president of Confagricoltura Pavia and vice president of Confagricoltura Lombardia.
From 21st May 1992
to 24th May 1992
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #54
Driver: Giuseppe Cavagna di Gualdana (IT)
Co-Driver: Guiglia (IT)
Results / Prizes: 139th OA
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1992 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1992
From 13th May 1993
to 16th May 1993
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #74
Driver: Giuseppe Cavagna di Gualdana (IT)
Co-Driver: Guiglia (IT)
Results / Prizes: 111th OA
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1993 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1993
From 5th May 1994
to 8th May 1994
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #87
Driver: Giuseppe Cavagna di Gualdana (IT)
Co-Driver: Guiglia (IT)
Results / Prizes: 157th OA
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1994 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1994
From 13th February 1998
to currently
Owner: Private collection
13th February 1998
Identification document: Certificato di proprietà
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Mille Miglia Identikit , Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
Bibliography: De Agostini Cesare, Villoresi Il Gigi Nazionale , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2004
1st October 2008
Bibliography: Maganza Carlo, 1931-1960 Varese Campo Dei Fiori. Una Città In Corsa , Era Edizioni, n.p. n.d.
Bibliography: Mazzetti Pietro, Intelligenza Coraggiosa, Coraggio Intelligente - Club Mille Miglia Franco Mazzotti , Gruppo Editoriale Delfo, n.p. 2010
Bibliography: Acerbi L., Mille Miglia Immagini Di Una Corsa - A Race In Pictures , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2015
October 2020
Record: Car Photos
November 2022
Record: Other Photos
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023