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1952 Alfa Romeo 1900 Corto Gara

Chassis no. AR1900C*01047*
Engine no. AR1308*00069*
Coachbuilder Carrozzeria Touring
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From 29th April 1952
to 6th December 1952
Famous owner: Italian car manufacturer
29th April 1952
Seats: Black
29th April 1952
Engine no. ar1308*00069*
Manufacturer: ALFA ROMEO (IT)
Note: Tuned by Reparto Esperienze Alfa Romeo
29th April 1952
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Touring
Type: Fixhead coupe
Note: Superleggera - Lightened version for race use
29th April 1952
Chassis no. ar1900c*01047*
Manufacturer: ALFA ROMEO (IT)
From 30th April 1952
to 10th January 1953
Plate: MI-190897
Country: IT
From 3rd May 1952
to 4th May 1952
Event: XIX Mille Miglia - Coppa Franco Mazzotti
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #510
Category / Group: Gran Turismo Internazionale
Class: 2.000 cm3
Driver: Franco Cortese (IT)
Co-Driver: De Giuseppe (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Time: Start: 5.10'00"- Brescia-Roma: ritirati
From 6th December 1952
to 17th March 1953
Owner: Pietro Palmieri (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
From 10th January 1953
to June 1954
Plate: ROMA-173169
Country: IT
15th March 1953
Event: Coppa dei Laghi
Locality: Roma (IT)
Race number: #78
Category / Group: Gran Turismo
Class: 2000 cc
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 3rd OA / 1st CL
Time: 4'05''6
From 18th March 1953
to 14th May 1954
Owner: Giancarlo Noceti (IT)
Famous owner: Italian racing driver
12th July 1953
Event: VII Coppa d'Oro delle Dolomiti
Locality: Cortina d'Ampezzo (IT)
Race number: #69
Category / Group: Gran Turismo
Class: Sottoclasse da 1101 a 2000 cc
Driver: Pietro "Ivanhoe" Laureati (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
13th September 1953
Event: V Coppa Intereuropa
Locality: Monza (IT)
Race number: #39
Class: III da 1101 a 2000 cc
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Results / Prizes: DNF
From 15th May 1954
to 1965
Owner: John V. Murphy (US)
From 1966
to 1983
Owner: Wallace Weir (US)
From 1983
to 1997
Owner: Martin Swig (US)
Famous owner: Founder and organizer of first California Mille in 1991. Owner of San Francisco Auto Center
Plate: FUTA
Country: US
Body update
Coachbuilder: Carrozzeria Touring
Type: Fixhead coupe
Colour: White
Note: Original body: previous darker colour changed to white.
Interior update
Seats: Red
September 1983
Record: Car photo
From 24th May 1984
to 27th May 1984
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #113
Driver: Martin Swig (US)
Co-Driver: Caboor (US)
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 1984 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1984
From 28th April 1989
to 1st May 1989
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #165
Driver: Martin Swig (US)
Co-Driver: Browne (US)
Results / Prizes: 159th OA
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1989 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1989
From 17th May 1990
to 20th May 1990
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #164
Driver: Martin Swig (US)
Co-Driver: Sandy (US)
Results / Prizes: 152nd OA
October 1990
Bibliography: Orsini Luigi, Mille Miglia Una Corsa Italiana , Abiemme, n.p. 1990
Bibliography: Allievi Pino, Mille Miglia 1990 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1990
July 1994
Bibliography: De Boer John, The Italian Car Registry - John Fulton De Boer , Unknown publisher, n.p. 1994
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 1995 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1995
From 18th May 1995
to 21st May 1995
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #134
Driver: Martin Swig (US)
Co-Driver: Sellyei (US)
Results / Prizes: DNF
Owner: Ted Hohman (US)
From 1st May 1997
to 4th May 1997
Event: Mille Miglia
Locality: Brescia (IT)
Race number: #157
Driver: Ted Hohman (US)
Co-Driver: Terlizzi (US)
Results / Prizes: 227th OA
Bibliography: Unknown author, Mille Miglia 1997 , La Mille Miglia Editrice, n.p. 1997
From 1997
to currently
Owner: Private collection
Bibliography: Cancellieri Gianni, Polvere E Gloria: La Coppa D'oro Delle Dolomiti (1947-1956) , Giorgio Nada Editore S.r.l., n.p. 2000
Bibliography: Anselmi Angelo, Mille Miglia Identikit , Le Edizioni Dell'opificio, n.p. 2003
From 11th March 2005
to 13th March 2005
Event: The Amelia Island Concours d'elegance
Locality: Contea di Nassau (US)
5th August 2007
Event: Meadowbrook Concours d’Elegance
Locality: Rochester (US)
Race number: #192
Category / Group: 13
Bibliography: Doehren Hans-jürgen, Alfa Romeo Millenove - 1900 Sprint, Super Sprint And More , Alfapoint, n.p. 2016
December 2018
Bibliography: Dolcini Carlo, Orizzonte Perduto Mille Miglia 1947-1956 , Ela, n.p. 2018
June 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Mille Miglia's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume Iii , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2023
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Coppa Intereuropa's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2025
Bibliography: Binelli Sandro, Coppa D'oro Delle Dolomiti's Chassis - The Ultimate Opus Volume I , Automotive Masterpieces Srl, Genova 2025
31st May 1953
Event: V Coppa Toscana
Locality: Firenze (IT)
Race number: #26
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL
28th June 1953
Event: V Giro Automobilistico dell'Umbria - Coppa della Perugina
Locality: Perugia (IT)
Race number: #837
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
26th July 1953
Event: 10 ore di Messina - Notturna Messinese
Circuit: Messina
Locality: Messina (IT)
Race number: #26
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Co-Driver: Giancarlo Noceti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 1st CL
15th August 1953
Event: XX Circuito 12 Ore A.C. Pescara
Locality: Pescara (IT)
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Co-Driver: Sebasti (IT)
Results / Prizes: 7th CL
From 27th August 1953
to 30th August 1953
Event: VII Stella Alpina
Category / Group: Gran Turismo
Class: Fino a 2000 cc
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 7th CL
4th November 1953
Event: Criterium del Chilometro Lanciato - Trofeo Franco Venturi
Locality: Roma (IT)
Driver: Ivanhoe Avorio (IT)
Results / Prizes: 4th CL