
November 1, 1898: works with Louis Renault on the construction of the first "voiturette". Subsequently, with a few designers, set up the brand's first Design Office. Became its leader on November 1, 1903. Actively participated in the design of the four-cylinder Renault engine (1902), the first light truck (1903), the hydraulic shock absorber and taxis (1905), the first aviation engine Renault (1907), gear reducer for aircraft engine (1908) and in general, all types of vehicles and engines built by the Brand. Takes an active part in the creation of the B1 tank and in the studies of the 4CV. In 1928, with Emile Tardet, accompanied Louis Renault to the United States. On January 1, 1935 appointed technical director. The following year Director of the Société Anonyme des Usines Renault, then Director of Huiles Renault. On October 1, 1946, he was given the task of creating a design office for "agricultural tractors and transport equipment".

We'll publish a biography on him on the occasion of his anniversary or when it will be reached a sufficient number of cars.

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