
Arnaldo Roselli (... - 1949) was an Italian engineer. Already under the Scuderia Ferrari, he was in 1935 among the designers (together with Luigi Bezzi and Enrico Bertacchini) of the infamous twin-engine Alfa Romeo 16C, commissioned by Enzo Ferrari to counter the dominance of German cars in the Grand Prix of the time. Roselli designed a head with hemispherical combustion chambers and radial valves for the transformation of normal Fiat 1100 A engines into racing engines for the Sport 1100 class, called "Testadoro" due to the color of the bronze casting. After joining the company with Giorgio Giusti, he designed the 750cc cylinder head for the transformation of the quiet Fiat 500 engines. He died in the autumn of 1949 in a car accident together with Dante Spreafico, a driver with several Mille Miglia behind him.

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