
Augusto Agostini was a General and an agronomist. The Milizia Nazionale Forestale, to which he belonged, was a corps established by the Fascist regime to manage and protect the national forest heritage, tasked with promoting agricultural autarchy policies and environmental conservation. Agostini is also known for participating as a co-driver alongside Professor Mario Ferraguti in the 1933 Mille Miglia, driving an Alfa Romeo modified to run on gasogeno. The participation in the race with this experimental vehicle had a dual purpose: to demonstrate the feasibility of gasogeno as an alternative fuel and to promote the energy autarchy advocated by the Fascist regime. His role suggests a direct interest in promoting these solutions, collaborating closely with Mario Ferraguti.

We'll publish a biography on him on the occasion of his anniversary or when it will be reached a sufficient number of cars.

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