
The Zolder circuit (also known as Omloop van Terlaemen) is a racetrack located in Belgium that has hosted ten editions of the Belgian Formula 1 Grand Prix (in 1973, 1975 to 1982 and 1984) and the Belgian Grand Prix of World championship in 1980. Already in the fifties in the town of Zolder there were motor competitions organized by an association of local enthusiasts and in 1961, in search of a better location for these events, the area of ​​the Omloop van Terlaemen was identified (in Flemish circuit of Terlaemen), which over time would be transformed into a real racetrack, designed by Johannes Bernhardus Theodorus "Hans" Hugenholtz and inaugurated in 1963. The fact that sadly made the Flemish track famous happened on 8 May 1982 : during qualifying for the Belgian Grand Prix, Gilles Villeneuve died after a flight caused by contact between his Ferrari and Jochen Mass's March.

We'll tell the story of this circuit on the occasion of its anniversary or when it will reach a sufficient number of cars.

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