Automotive Masterpieces' How To Join
Information, Participation Procedures, Participation Fees, Our Services
To include a car among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, it is necessary to commission a detailed historical research on the vehicle.
This task also entails adhering to the MANIFESTO of AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES.
Historical research is our "core activity," the pivot and foundation upon which we have built and continue to develop tools to share and enhance the knowledge acquired.
The research begins with the material provided by the client and aims to reconstruct both the distant and more recent history of the car.
Historical Research and Consulting Services:
Sign the agreement for historical research and website publication and pay the base fee for STEP 1.
It is crucial for the start of the research that the owner makes all documentation regarding the vehicle available.
For example:
- Current registration and/or ownership documents.
- List of previously known license plates.
- List of previously known owners and any supporting documents.
- List of participation in events (exhibitions, races, concours, known historical events).
- Certifications (from manufacturers, FIVA, FIA, Brand Registries, and others).
- Correspondence, invoices for work, miscellaneous documentation, or simple notes that can help identify the vehicle over time and define its historical continuity.
- Copies of any press review.
- List of books where the vehicle is mentioned or published.
- Current photographs of the vehicle.
- Photographs of the chassis number, engine number, and all other identifying numbers on the vehicle.
- Photographs of the vehicle at the time of purchase/discovery.
- Photographs of any restorations.
- Photographs from events (indicating ownership of rights or copyright).
- Vintage photographs (including images of the backs of original photos to identify the source archive or other notes/information, indicating ownership of rights or copyright).
- Photographs of personal use of the vehicle that might help identify the vehicle over time and define its historical continuity.
- Other: Any document/photo/video/item belonging to a recent/past owner, a driver or recent/past user that can be useful in identifying the vehicle over time and defining its historical continuity.
Note: All the above documentation must be provided in digital format in the highest quality possible.
Our consulting services include:
- Organization, classification, and validation of material.
- Historical research and study of the specimen to validate its historicity and provenance.
- Identification of ownership history.
- Identification of the chronology of events and historical facts.
- Research at automotive manufacturers, brand registries, experts, former owners or heirs if known, drivers or heirs if known, restorers, etc., who may have relevant information.
- Research in photographic and video archives.
- Research in documentary archives (e.g., motor vehicle offices and event organizer archives).
- Identification of bibliography.
Every automobile is unique; some have a well-documented history, while others’ history is yet to be verified or even discovered; thus, research times vary depending on the state of knowledge about each individual vehicle.
Timelines also depend on the responsiveness of the archives, which can be more or less organized and/or digitized, and on the availability of people who can provide relevant information, as well as on the validation of the information found.
At the end of the initial research phase, a validated history of the specimen will be sent, and its acceptance or rejection to be counted among AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES will be communicated, at the sole discretion of AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES.
Acceptance of the vehicle among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES includes:
- HISTORICAL RESEARCH: From step 1 of our research, a detailed initial report is drafted for the potential purchase, non-binding, of historical materials found (historical and other photographs, vehicle documents, documents on previous owners, event documents, possible certifications, books where the car is mentioned or published) that would enrich the documentation, conferring further historical-collectible value to the vehicle. For photographs owned by the owner, web rights acquisition is proposed. Each reference in the report has a unit price. The client may choose to purchase the references individually where possible. For research that yields many references, AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES is available to assist the client in selecting them.
- WEBSITE: A website is created for the vehicle, containing all available information, including: technical data, list of past owners, list of all events the vehicle has participated in, vintage photographs, pre-restoration photographs, post-restoration photographs, event photographs, studio photographs, links to videos, bibliography. Everything the client purchases is published, along with any material provided by the client with rights (any unpurchased material is published blurred/pixelated).
- The website transparently displays the chassis and engine numbers of the vehicle, to protect the identity of the vehicle, its history, its historical continuity; to promote the development of research and discourage the creation of replicas. The website is published by default as a private, anonymous collection; however, if desired, the owner may choose to use it to promote their museum or collection, an option that can be easily organized.
- AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES CERTIFICATE: The document certifies the inclusion of the vehicle among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES and its proven historicity and provenance. The document attests that the car is listed among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES in the relevant categories.
- RINA CERTIFICATE: RINA is an International Certification Body, the first in Italy. With the aim of providing a recognized service standard, the document certifies the historical research conducted on the car through a process of validating its proven historicity and provenance by AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES in accordance with RINA technical regulation no. A04 RC-C 155. The results of the historical research are confirmed by the analysis of the documentation included in the dossier produced by AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES and published on the vehicle’s website. AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES is the only research institute with certified methodology.
- BEACON: The vehicles listed among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES tell their story, transmitting their past through the future, thanks to the beacon: a small transmitter that can be hidden anywhere on the vehicle and works with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology; simply approach the vehicle to receive information directly on your smartphone or tablet. Note: it is not a GPS device. How it works: seeing our sticker with the Bluetooth symbol on a car, turn on our APP, activate the Bluetooth connection, and the device will receive the link to the vehicle's website, to discover its story. It is an application of the “Internet of Things”, where technology meets culture.
- AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES APP: Always available and updated, it allows you to renew the story of your car during participation in new events. It is also possible to use it to navigate websites via beacon.
- website hosting
- continuation of historical research (according to the sustainability principle expressed in the subsequent point i)
- update of the year's events
- update of the car's certifications
- update of bibliography
- PDF kit: an updated document of the car with a description, technical data sheet, complete chronology including the events of the last year, bibliography, possible press review.
- APP update.
Base participation fee – Step 1 - for the research project:
Euro 2650.00 + VAT (if due) for base fee with payment at subscription
- Euro 2500.00 + VAT (if due) for points a-b-c-d-e-f
- Euro 150.00 + VAT (if due) for point g - current year, with automatic renewal
Should the car unfortunately turn out not to be authentic and not eligible to be listed among the AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, the base fee will not be refunded.
Extra services:
In the event that the client does not have scanned material, we are available to make copies from the originals (subject to a separate estimate).
- WEBSITE. At this stage, the online publication of the car’s website is an essential tool, as it helps us find information/contacts among enthusiasts who regularly follow our various projects.
- BLUE BOX DOSSIER. Following historical research, the material purchased by the client is organized and collected; a dossier named "Blue Box" is created and sent to the client. When the client sends copies of their documents, photos, etc., we handle the research, and it is up to the client to integrate their originals with our findings into the dossier. If, on the other hand, the client sends original documents, photos, etc., we classify these items, integrating them directly with our research findings.
- CONTINUATION OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Historical research never truly ends. Thanks to the ongoing digitization of historical archives and the development of new technologies, including AI, we are able to uncover previously undiscovered news, information, and photographs. This is why we recommend going on with the "CONTINUATION OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH." Historical research requires a considerable number of man-hours, exceeding the cost covered by the base fee. Our work is supported by a fixed fee—the "base fee"—and a variable fee, represented by the economic value of the reports on materials found, such as the first report from step 1 (photographs and documents not owned by the client). To continue historical research, the client is expected to purchase, approximately, no less than 40% of the reports proposed from time to time. This fee supports our activities and represents an appreciation for the work done by our team. Therefore, our efforts will be streamlined so that our commitment to presenting new elements (documentation, photographs, press reviews, and related material) is proportional to the client's interest in further purchases. The historical research enters an optional deepening phase, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and proposed to the client.
Variable participation fee for the research project:
The purchase of materials, initially proposed with the first historical research report and possibly with subsequent reports, represents a variable fee for AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES to support its research efforts.
- PRESS REVIEW. It is possible to conduct a search for articles in which the car is mentioned or an image of it appears; this can be done in daily newspapers, specialized magazines, and general publications. This research can be conducted more easily in some countries than in others. Given the demanding nature of this work in terms of man-hours, a minimum budget allocation is required, starting from a fee of Euro 1000.00 + VAT (if due) for up to 20 articles. Should the research yield no results, €500.00 plus VAT will be retained and any excess amount will be refunded. Regardless, a minimum of €500.00 will be retained; if fewer articles are found than anticipated, a partial refund will be issued.
- AUTOMOBILIA. Automobilia includes all objects that can be connected to the history of the car. Research can uncover original documents, maintenance manuals, old license plates held by collectors or previous owners; medals, trophies, regulations, publications, printed materials, and posters related to events the car participated in, as well as personal documents of owners or drivers, such as driving licenses, identity documents, etc. Given the intensive labor required in terms of man-hours, a minimum budget allocation is required starting from a fee of Euro 1000.00 + VAT (if due). It is up to the client to decide which references to acquire. If the research yields no results, Euro 200.00 + VAT (if due) will be retained and the excess refunded. Regardless, a minimum of Euro 200.00 will be retained; if fewer references are found than anticipated, a partial refund will be issued.
- HEIRS. The search for known heirs of former owners and drivers is included in the research, but sometimes it does not yield the expected results, necessitating the involvement of third-party experts in inheritance, heraldry, or legal and notarial matters. Quotations available upon request.
- ADVANCED LICENSE PLATE RESEARCH. Sometimes the license plates of a vehicle are not known, but in some cases, it is possible to proceed through professionals, organizations, and agencies to track down, in certain countries, the license plates associated with a specific chassis number. Quotations available upon request.
- EVENTS IDENTIFICATION INCREASING VEHICLE VALUE. A "success fee" formula is applicable when a car has no known history, particularly its sporting history. In these cases, during the contractual phase, we propose a "success fee" that will be paid only if the results of our research contribute to an increase in the car's value, such as participation in the Mille Miglia, for example. Naturally, no "success fee" is applied when the car's history is already known, and the facts are merely confirmed or validated by our research.
- VEHICLE IDENTITY AND SPORTING PAST REPORT. For some vehicles with a controversial history, the very identity of the vehicle and its participation in significant events are in question. In such cases, historical research alone is insufficient; it is necessary to also analyze all similar or twin vehicles, identify their unique features or their co-presence at events. Occasionally, a technical report becomes essential to study the evolution of the vehicle's forms and details. Quotations available upon request.
- HISTORICAL RESEARCH UPDATE. We propose an update to the historical research outlined in point a). In recent years, many archives have been digitized and significant investments have been made in AI to support historical research. The vehicle's chronology needs updates to include new events, sometimes new owners, and new books to add to the bibliography. An updated report with available references is sent.
- WEBSITE FROM STANDBY RESEARCH TO ONGOING RESEARCH AND UPDATES. Clients' websites that do not purchase the material proposed following the research or do not support annual renewals are "frozen." In this case, the vehicle's site will appear in the upper left corner with the label "Research and Update – STANDBY." In “Research and Update – ONGOING” mode, however, the website is regularly updated. If the client has new material, such as photos (with rights), event reports, press reviews, certifications, and other news that they wish to add to the site, they must send it to us to keep the car's history updated.
- AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES CERTIFICATE. As mentioned in the previous point c)
- RINA CERTIFICATE. As mentioned in the previous point d)
- ANNUAL AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES SUBSCRIPTION. As mentioned in the previous point g)
For research prior to 12/31/2020 (invoice date):
Euro 1000.00 + VAT (if due) with payment upon subscription
- Euro 850.00 + VAT (if due) for points q-s-t)
- Euro 150.00 + VAT (if due) for point u) - current year, with automatic renewal
For research from 01/01/2021 to 04/15/2024 (invoice date):
Euro 650.00 + VAT (if due) with payment upon subscription
- Euro 500.00 + VAT (if due) for points q-s-t)
- Euro 150.00 + VAT (if due) for point u) - current year, with automatic renewal
For research after 04/15/2024 (invoice date):
- Euro 150.00 + VAT (if due) for point u) - current year, with automatic renewal
- COLLECTION. We offer consultancy in managing car collections, helping to define a concept and enhance the visibility of collections in line with the collector's goals. This contribution aims to provide historical and collectible value or to highlight the importance of each individual vehicle, thereby enriching the collection. From this perspective, we also provide assistance in selling or researching and acquiring vehicles. Quotations available upon request.
- RESTORATION. Historical research should precede the restoration process. Among the services we offer is supporting clients at the restoration shops to ensure that the work aligns with the findings from historical research. Our consultancy also includes assistance in making decisions about the type of bodywork and livery for vehicles, especially those that have undergone stylistic and technical evolutions. Quotations available upon request.
- POST-RESTORATION AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH ENHANCEMENT. We provide post-restoration support that includes participation in events, the organization of customized exhibitions, photographic and video services, and the creation of brochures and other promotional materials for the press and specialized media. Quotations available upon request.
- MONOGRAPHIC CHASSIS BOOKS. Among the publishing activities of AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, the creation of monographic books within the CHASSIS series stands out. These volumes focus in detail on a single specific chassis and are the direct result of our historical research. The books are organized chronologically, starting with the highlights of the vehicle, and cover both the general history of the model, with technical data and chassis numbers, and the particular history of the specific example, with an in-depth analysis of various aspects such as the biography of the owners, the drivers if present, and a detailed narrative of associated historical events in chronological order, enriched with as many images as found. MONOGRAPHIC CHASSIS BOOKS have been made possible by advanced digital printing technologies that allow for limited runs suitable for collections, museums, and private owners, as well as editions for specialized bookstores. These books are designed to be high-quality reference products in the field and are custom-made. Quotations available upon request.
- NEW GARAGES. We serve as the temporary guardians of the vehicles in our care: they are a legacy that we have received and, in turn, pass on to others in new garages. We thus offer a consultancy service, assisting collectors in deciding whether to sell or purchase vehicles. Each negotiation is unique, and we help the collector to define the most suitable sales or purchase strategy. We are experts in finding rare cars, many of which are already listed in AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, and this can lead to particularly advantageous trades or sales. We provide consultancy in both private negotiations and sales or purchases through auctions. Quotations available upon request.
- CERTIFIED EVALUATION ESTIMATE. It is possible to assign a “cultural” value to the car in question, based on the historical research conducted by AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, validated by the RINA CERTIFICATE (as referred to in the previous point "d"). Collectible cars are assets typically evaluated according to market rules, but they are complex assets that need to be assessed from multiple perspectives. The innovative service we have developed for the discerning collector is the enhancement of each car's identity, made possible through the certified evaluation estimate by RINA: “Cultural Asset.” This establishes an economic value with an objective and verifiable historical reference, useful for a more appropriate positioning/interpretation on the market. The evaluation parameters start from the value of the car when new, adjusted according to ISTAT coefficients, with additional enhancements for its historical-cultural value. This system allows for the development of a complex algorithm that takes into account the many expressed factors and determines the value of the cultural asset subject to the RINA-certified evaluation estimate. This is an important product of the collaboration between AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES and RINA. Quotations available upon request.