In the world of motor racing, the name of Patriarca of Rome remains one of the milestones. Papà Rodolfo and his sons Bruno and Franco, with their creations and elaborations, represent an important piece of Roman motorsport.
We'll publish a biography on him on the occasion of his anniversary or when it will be reached a sufficient number of cars.
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The census of all the cars related to this topic is in progress.
CARS (2)
1928 Chrysler 72
- Coachbuilder: Chrysler
- Chassis n°: CP982D
- Engine n°: C J213188 C
Private collection
1950 Giaur 750 Sport
- Coachbuilder: Meccaniche Taraschi
- Chassis n°: BT-006
- Engine n°: 500B*131799*
Private collection