The Bremgarten circuit was a semi-permanent road circuit located in Bern, Switzerland.
We'll tell the story of this circuit on the occasion of its anniversary or when it will reach a sufficient number of cars.
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The census of all the cars related to this topic is in progress.
CARS (3)
1933 Alfa Romeo 8C 2600 Monza
- Coachbuilder: Alfa Romeo
- Chassis n°: 2211137
- Engine n°: 2211137
Mario Righini (IT)
1933 Alfa Romeo 6C 1500 Gran Sport
- Coachbuilder: Zagato
- Chassis n°: 6C10814406
- Engine n°: 10814406
Private collection
1946 Cisitalia D46/48
- Coachbuilder: Cisitalia
- Chassis n°: 0031
- Engine n°: 018
Private collection